1500+ General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers For Competitive Exams Part 34

Q.1:- Who among the following sport personalities is known as the Payyoli Express ? [NDA Exam 2008]

  1. Shiny Abraham
  2. T. Usha
  3. Jyotirmoyee Sikdar
  4. M. Beenamol

Q.2:- Who among the following is the first man (after Bjorn Borg in 1980) to win the French Open and Wimbledon Singles Title back to back ? [CDS Exam 2009]

  1. Rafael Nadal
  2. Roger Federer
  3. John McEnroe
  4. Daniel Nestor

Q.3:- Which one of the following cities has been the venue of the Asian Games for the maximum number of times from the year 1951 to the year 2006 ?

  1. Delhi
  2. Bangkok
  3. Tokyo
  4. Beijing

Q.4:- Which of the following cups / trophies is associated with the game of Lawn Tennis ?

  1. Bombay Gold Cup
  2. Davis Cup
  3. Ranji Trophy
  4. Vizzy Trophy

Q.5:- Which of the following terms is used in cricket ?

  1. Centre Forward
  2. Love
  3. LBW
  4. Bull’s Eye

Q.6:- World famous tennis star Rafael Nadal is from which of the following countries ?

  1. USA
  2. Spain
  3. Germany
  4. France

Q.7:- Which of the following terms is not used in cricket ?

  1. Ashes
  2. Back-Foot Shot
  3. Crease
  4. Smash
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Q.8:- Who amongst the following is the first bowler in the history of Test Cricket who took 700 wickets ?

  1. Shane Warne
  2. Muralitharan
  3. Kapil Dev
  4. Dermis Lillee

Q.9:- Which of the following terms is not associated with the game of Football ?

  1. Corner Kick
  2. Line Men
  3. Follow On
  4. Full Back

Q.10:- Which of the following terms is not used in the game of Hockey ?

  1. Bully
  2. Short Corner
  3. Centre Forward
  4. Drop Kick

Q.11:- Commonwealth Games 2014 was organised in ?

  1. London
  2. Glasgow
  3. Toronto
  4. Wellington

Q.12:- Which of the following International sports events was organized in Delhi in October, 2010 in which several countries participated ?

  1. Asian Games
  2. World Cup Cricket Tournament
  3. Asian Hockey Tournament
  4. Commonwealth Games

Q.13:- Which of the following is the Trophy / Cup associated with the game of cricket ?

  1. Derby
  2. Merdeka Cup
  3. Santosh Trophy
  4. Duleep Trophy

Q.14:- Which city would host the 2020 Summer Olympics ?

  1. Istanbul (Turkey)
  2. Madrid (Spain)
  3. Tokyo (Japan)
  4. Rome (Italy)

Q.15:- Vijay Merchant Trophy is associated with ?

  1. Cricket
  2. Football
  3. Polo
  4. Athletics
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Q.16:- Deepika Kumari’s name is associated with ?

  1. Swimming
  2. Archery
  3. Billiards
  4. Cricket

Q.17:- Who spoke in Hindi for the first time in the UNO General Assembly ? [SSC MQ Exam 2017]

  1. Indira Gandhi
  2. V. Narashimo Rao
  3. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  4. Rajiv Gandhi

Q.18:- Which of the following services of India Post has permanently been discontinued ? [CDS Exam (I) 2016]

  1. Money Order
  2. Telegram
  3. Postal Life Insurance
  4. Inland Letter

Q.19:- Which of the following became the first country in the world to legalize Euthanasia ? [SSC CGL Exam 2016]

  1. Belgium
  2. Netherlands
  3. Denmark
  4. Canada

Q.20:- What is so unique about seahorses ?

  1. The female can survive out of the water
  2. The male gives birth instead of the female
  3. Both male and female can dive
  4. None of these

Q.21:- Israel has common borers with ? [CDS Exam 2009]

  1. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt
  2. Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Yemen
  3. Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Jordan
  4. Cyprus, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt

Q.22:- Recession is ?

  1. Slowing down of economic activity over a limited period
  2. Period during which unemployment may rise and demand and output may fall, leading to slump in trade
  3. Period that results from accumulation of unsold goods, owing to fall in demand
  4. All of the above
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Q.23:- Among the following South Asian countries, in which one is the Maternal Mortality Ratio (Per 1,000 lives births) lowest ? [IAS Exams 2008]

  1. Bangladesh
  2. India
  3. Nepal
  4. Pakistan

Q.24:- Which countries were involved in 100 year war ? [SSC CGL Exams 2004]

  1. Turkey and Austria
  2. England and France
  3. Palestine and Israel
  4. Germany and Russia

Q.25:- In which of the following States of India, the first cybercrime police station has been set up ?

  1. Karnataka
  2. Punjab
  3. Maharashtra
  4. West Bengal