1500+ General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers For Competitive Exams Part 18

Q.1:- Who is the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee ? [CDS (II) Exams 2016]

  1. The Chief of Army Staff
  2. The Chief of Naval Staff
  3. The Chief of Air Staff
  4. The member who has been the longest on the Committee

Q.2:- Which of the following country / countries successfully inserted a spacecraft into Mars’ orbit by maiden attempt ? [NDA I Exam 2015]

  1. USA
  2. USA and Russia
  3. India
  4. China

Q.3:- In the context of the India defence, what is ‘Dhruv’ ? [IAS Exam 2008]

  1. Aircraft carrying warship
  2. Missile carrying submarine
  3. Advanced light helicopter
  4. Intercontinental ballistic missile

Q.4:- Training command of India Air Force is located in ?

  1. Bengaluru
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Tuticorin
  4. Pune

Q.5:- Who invented the mobile phones ?

  1. Martin Cooper
  2. Akio Morita
  3. Liu Chuanzhi
  4. Koo In-Hwoi

Q.6:- Who invented Helicopter ?

  1. Cockrell
  2. Brequet
  3. Otis
  4. Frank Whittle

Q.7:- Which one among the following industries produces the most non-biodegradable wastes ? [CDS Exams 2011]

  1. Thermal power plants
  2. Food processing units
  3. Textile mills
  4. Paper mills
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Q.8:- If a ship moves from freshwater into seawater, it will ? [CDS Exam 2011]

  1. Sink Completely
  2. Sink a Little Bit
  3. Rise a Little Higher
  4. Remain Unaffected

Q.9:- Before X-Ray examination (coloured X-Ray) of the Stomach, patients are given suitable salt of Barium because ? [CDS Exam 2012]

  1. Barium salts are white in colour and this helps stomach to appear clearly
  2. Barium is a good absorber of X-Rays and helps stomach to appear clearly
  3. Barium salts are easily available
  4. Barium allows X-Rays to pass through the stomach

Q.10:- The principle of ‘Black Hole’ was enunciated by ?

  1. V. Raman
  2. J. Bhabha
  3. Chandrashekhar
  4. Khurana

Q.11:- In a food chain, the solar energy utilized by plants is only ? [SSC CGL Exams 2011]

  1. 10 Percent
  2. 1 Percent
  3. 1 Percent
  4. 01 Percent

Q.12:- It has been observed that astronauts lose substantial quantity of calcium through urine during space flight. This is due to ? [CDS Exam 2011]

  1. Hyper-Gravity
  2. Micro-Gravity
  3. Intake of Dehydrated Food Tablets
  4. Low Temperature in Cosmos
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Q.13:- A bee-sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation. The injected acid is ? [NDA Exam 2011]

  1. Acetic Acid
  2. Sulphuric Acid
  3. Citric Acid
  4. Methanoic Acid

Q.14:- Which one of the following is useful in the detection of landmines ?

  1. Bee
  2. Wasp
  3. Butterfly
  4. Moth

Q.15:- Who discovered ‘North Pole’ ?

  1. Robert Peary
  2. Amundson
  3. John Cobot
  4. Captain Cook

Q.16:- ‘Leprosy Bacillus’ was invented by ?

  1. Hansen
  2. Fleming
  3. Kock
  4. Harvey

Q.17:- Electron was discovered by ?

  1. Joseph Thomson
  2. Ernest Rutherford
  3. Max Plank
  4. Albert Einstein

Q.18:- Who invented the Voice Mail ?

  1. Alexander Graham Bell
  2. Gordon Mathews
  3. A. Fleming
  4. Paulsen

Q.19:- How  much is one barrel of oil approximately eual to ? [IAS Exam 2008]

  1. 131 Litres
  2. 159 Litres
  3. 257 Litres
  4. 321 Litres

Q.20:- By using which one of the following techniques, is DNA fingerprint done ? [CDS Exam 2008]

  1. ELISA
  2. RIA
  3. Northern Blotting
  4. Southern Blotting

Q.21:- Who is the author of the book ‘Life of Pi’ ?

  1. Ang Lee
  2. Irfan Khan
  3. Yaan Martel
  4. Kazuo Ishiguro
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Q.22:- Who wrote the famous book ‘We the People’ ?

  1. N. Kaul
  2. Nani Palkhivala
  3. R.D. Tata
  4. Khushwant Singh

Q.23:- Which of the following is the book written by V.S. Naipaul ?

  1. A Passage to England
  2. A House For Mr. Biswas
  3. Higher Than Everest
  4. Affluent Society

Q.24:- Which of the following is the book written by Shobhaa De ?

  1. Speed Post
  2. Namesake
  3. My Life
  4. Long Walk to Freedom

Q.25:- “Higher Than Hopes” is a biography of ?

  1. Mother Teresa
  2. Bishop Tutu
  3. Nelson Mandela
  4. None of the above