Full Topic-Wise Syllabus SSC CGL 2017 Tier -1 : New Pattern PDF Download

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From 16th May, 2017, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has started accepting online application for Combined Graduate Level CGL Exams 2017, and the last date for acceptance of online application is 16th June, 2017 (SSC CGL Notification 2017). The date of Tier-1 Exam is 1st to 20th August, 2017.

Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) exam is conducted to fill various posts in different departments and ministries of Government. In the current year 2017 onwards, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has introduced many changes ranging from first step that is online registration to final merit preparation, the last step of the exam. Therefore, SSC CGL 2017 aspirants have to work assiduously to crack the exams successfully.

Therefore, it is very important to make a strategy to prepare for the SSC CGL exams in the right way. Study from here and there is not a good idea because it doesn’t make you confident enough to crack the exam i.e. it may be the reason of your rejection in the merit list.

In order to prepare for the SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Competitive Exams knowledge of the right syllabus is very important.

Tier-1 is very important phase of the SSC CGL exams because out of thousands of candidates few are selected for Tier 2 Exams. As per the Staff Selection Commission Latest Notification, it is very important to qualify Tier-1 Exam for appearing in SSC CGL Tier-2.

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For helping the candidates who are going to appear in SSC CGL Tier 1 Exams, we have prepared the Syllabus of the Exams that is based on new pattern, and we are sure that this syllabus is going to contribute in your final merit list.

Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) Tier-1 2017 Exams:  Complete Syllabus

There are four sections in the SSC CGL Tier-1 exams and all questions will be of 10th and 12th class level.

Now, let us discuss the syllabus now:-

General Intelligence & Reasoning: The questions from this section will be of both verbal and non-verbal type out of the following chapters.

  1. Address Matching
  2. Analogies
  3. Arithmetic Number Series
  4. Arithmetical Reasoning and Figural Classification
  5. Classification of Center Codes/Roll Numbers
  6. Coding and Decoding
  7. Critical Thinking
  8. Date & City Matching
  9. Decoding and Classification
  10. Discrimination & Observation
  11. Drawing Inferences
  12. Embedded Figures
  13. Emotional & Social Intelligence
  14. Figural Analogy
  15. Figural Classification
  16. Figural Pattern Folding and Completion
  17. Figural Series
  18. Indexing
  19. Judgment & Decision Making
  20. Non-Verbal Series
  21. Number Series
  22. Numerical Operations
  23. Problem Solving
  24. Problem Solving & Analysis
  25. Punched Hole/Pattern – Folding & Unfolding
  26. Relationship Concepts
  27. Semantic Analogy
  28. Semantic Classification
  29. Semantic Series
  30. Similarities and Differences
  31. Small & Capital Letters/Numbers Coding
  32. Space Orientation & Visualization
  33. Space Visualization
  34. Spatial Orientation
  35. Statement Conclusion
  36. Syllogistic Reasoning
  37. Symbolic Operations
  38. Symbolic/Number Analogy
  39. Symbolic/Number Classification
  40. Trends
  41. Venn Diagrams
  42. Visual Memory
  43. Word Building
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General Awareness:

The questions of the general awareness section are related to candidate’s understanding about the environment around and its application to society. The section includes the following topics : –

  1. Culture
  2. Economics
  3. General Politics & Scientific Research
  4. Geography
  5. History
  6. India and its neighbouring countries

Quantitative Aptitude: The test of this section is to evaluate candidate’s command on general mathematics, understanding of methods, concepts and their applicability in profession and life. The test section of Quantitative Aptitude includes the following topics: –

  1. Angles subtended by chords of a circle
  2. Averages
  3. Bar Diagram & Pie Chart
  4. Basic Algebraic Identities of School Algebra & Elementary Surds
  5. Circle and its chords, tangents
  6. Common tangents to two or more circles
  7. Complementary Angles
  8. Computation of whole numbers decimals
  9. Congruence and similarity of triangles
  10. Degree and Radian Measures
  11. Discount
  12. Fractions and relationships between numbers
  13. Frequency Polygon
  14. Graphs of Linear Equations
  15. Heights and Distances
  16. Histogram
  17. Interest
  18. Mixture and Allegation
  19. Partnership Business
  20. Percentage
  21. Profit and Loss
  22. Quadrilaterals
  23. Ratios & Proportion
  24. Rectangular Parallelepiped
  25. Regular Polygons
  26. Regular Right Pyramid with Triangular or Square Base
  27. Right Circular Cone
  28. Right Circular Cylinder
  29. Right Prism
  30. Sphere & Hemispheres
  31. Square Roots
  32. Standard Identities
  33. Time & Work
  34. Time and Distance
  35. Triangle
  36. Triangle and its various kinds of centers
  37. Trigonometric Ratio
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English Comprehension: In the current pattern, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) not any particular topic is given to prepare for English Comprehension Section. However, the English Comprehension section is related to understanding correct English and its basic writing & comprehension ability of the candidate.

Finally, we can say that the above syllabus is prepared by our experts’ team and surely not any single question in SSC CGL Tier 1 exams will come besides this syllabus. You just have to do one thing that you will have to study topic-wise daily as per above mentioned list.

Ebook PDF Download : Full Topic-Wise Syllabus SSC CGL 2017 Tier -1 – New Pattern