Essay on Importance/Value of Newspapers in English Language for Student Exams

Essay/Article/Paragraph on Importance/Value of Newspapers in English Language for Student Exams.

Newspapers provide us with views and latest news. With the spread of education, the popularity and importance of newspaper have increased manifold. They exercise a profound influence on the minds of the people. The newspapers keep us abreast with the latest happenings in the world. Without newspaper, we would be like a frog in the well who know nothing of the outside world. In a democratic country, newspapers are an important means of forming public opinion.

Newspapers praise or criticize the conduct of the government. It is through them that we come to know the problems that afflict the country and the various ways of solving those problems. They thus, educate the public mind and enable the people to form their own opinion on matters of public importance. Besides this, the newspapers are an important link between the government and the people. It is through them that the government places its programs, its policies, and its achievements before the people. The people also voice their grievances through the columns of the press and suggest measures of reform. Thus, the newspapers serve as a healthy check on the government.

Newspapers, in fact, tare essential for the proper functioning of democracy. A free press in essential for the success of democracy. Besides, newspapers are an important means of advertisement. They promote trade and commerce. The newspapers have some drawbacks also. Sometimes, they twist and distort the news and stir up class hatred. They sow seeds of communal differences and encourage riots. However, their disadvantages are nothing in comparison with their manifold advantages.

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