Essay on A Morning Walk in English Language | Essays, Paragraphs and Articles Writing in English For School Students Exams

Essay on A Morning Walk in English Language | Paragraph, Speech, Essay and Article Writing in English For School Students Exam

Henry David Thoreau said, “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day”. Exercise is necessary to keep the body healthy and the mind happy. The morning walk is the most simple and useful Exercise. It is very useful for our health and it keeps us fit and energetic. A simple walk in the morning can make your whole day fresh and happy. Morning walk keeps us refreshed for the whole day. It is an immunity booster for our body. The air is quite clean in the morning and everything looks fresh and beautiful. The freshness of the green plants and the beautiful fragrance of flowers make your mind calm and compose. The chirping birds make sweet music in the ears.

Health is great wealth so; we should take care of our health. In cities, parks are the best place for walk or seashores because parks have trees so, we get fresh oxygen. Regular walk in the morning for few hours can burn the fat amount in your body and makes you slim and fit. The Morning walk will help you to reduce weight. The Morning walk is also good for heart patients.

There are several benefits of the morning walk like few hours of walk in the morning will decrease the risk of high blood pressure and it will also maintain the sugar level in the body which will reduce the risk of diabetes. So, we should get up early in the morning and go for a morning walk. A Morning walk will make you active physically and mentally. The rising sun and morning dew will give great pleasure.

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