Environment and Ecology Selected Questions and Answers Set 2


Q.1:- Which percentage of the world’s population is still dependent upon ‘home-made’ remedies produced from herbs and plants ?

Ans:- 75%

Q.2:- The ………… of a species describes the Trophic function it fills in its environment.

Ans:- Niche

Q.3:- A population that is growing exponentially in the absence of limiting factors can be illustrated by a/an …………..?

(a) S-shaped curve (b) J-shaped curve (c) curve that terminates in a plateau phase (d) tolerance curve

Ans:- (b) J-shaped curve

Q.4:- The natural disaster in which carbon dioxide suddenly erupts from a deep lake water is known as ?

Ans:- Liminic

Q.5:- The massive hole in the Ozone Layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in ?

Ans:- 1985

Q.6:- Why would you prefer to ride a bicycle to school rather than your friend’s scooter ?

(a) You get exercise on a bicycle (b) You will not pollute (c) It is cheaper (d) All of the above

Ans:- (d) All of the above

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Q.7:- Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by ?

Ans:- Domestic sewage

Q.8:- In a food chain, the solar energy utilized by plants is only ?

Ans:- 10 percent

Q.9:- The Geysers, a large steam reservoir north of San Francisco, USA, is the world’s largest source of ?

Ans:- Geothermal Power

Q.10:- This strain of rice was one of the first High Yielding Varieties of seeds developed in the world. Name it ?

Ans:- IR-8

Q.11:- Which element is depleted most from the soil after a crop is harvested ?

Ans:- Potassium

Q.12:- Name a commercially used, genetically modified cotton plant resistant to the deadly cotton pest ‘heliothis’ ?

Ans:- Bt. Cotton

Q.13:- Ground water in the Bengal basin is mostly contaminated by ?

Ans:- Arsenic

Q.14:- Municipal waste is disposed in the open dumps, landfills, sanitary landfills, and is also burnt in large furnaces. This method is known as ?

Ans:- Blast Furnace

Q.15:- Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of ?

Ans:- O3 Layer

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Q.16:- India generates about 4.3 million tons of hazardous wastes every year. Direct exposure to two chemicals in hazardous waste can cause death. What are they?

Ans:- Mercury and Cyanide

Q.17:- Name the gas released from landfills, decaying organic matter under shallow water in marshes and bogs, flooded paddy fields, by ruminant animals & termites, and by the burning of biomass. A molecule of this gas  has 21 times more global warming potential than a molecule of CO2.

Ans:- Methane

Q.18:- Cadmium pollution is associated with ?

Ans:- Itai-Itai

Q.19:- Eco-Mark is given to an Indian product which is ?

Ans:- Environment Friendly

Q.20:- The Sun is a ?

(a) Producer of water (b) Secondary source of energy (c) Primary producer of energy (d) Tertiary producer of energy

Ans:- (c) Primary producer of energy

Q.21:- Polar bears are carnivores and prey on many arctic birds and fish. However, under natural conditions, no one found polar bears predating any penguin. This is because ?

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Ans:- Polar bears and penguins never coexist under natural conditions. The former lives in the North Pole while the latter lives in the South Pole.

Q.22:- The biome concept illustrates ?

Ans:- dominant plant communities

Q.23:- Acceptable ‘Noise Pollution Level’ in India range between ?

Ans:- 40-45 dec

Q.24:- Which of the following gases is not known as the green house gas ?

(a) Methane (b) Carbon Dioxide (c) Nitrous Oxide (d) Hydrogen

Ans:- (d) Hydrogen

Q.25:- The depletion of Ozone layer is mainly due to ?

Ans:- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)