English One Word Substitution : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 3

Q.1:- Place where wine is made ?

  1. Bakery
  2. Cloakroom
  3. Tannery
  4. Brewery

Q.2:- A number of stars grouped together ?

  1. Orbit
  2. Constellation
  3. Solar System
  4. Comet

Q.3:- The study of ancient civilization ?

  1. History
  2. Anthropology
  3. Ethnology
  4. Archaeology

Q.4:- One who loves all mankind ?

  1. Philologist
  2. Philosopher
  3. Philanthropist
  4. Philatelist

Q.5:- A list of books available in a library ?

  1. Catalogue
  2. Bibliography
  3. Backlist
  4. Index

Q.6:- A place of good climate for invalids ?

  1. Hospital
  2. Asylum
  3. Sanatorium
  4. Retreat

Q.7:- Rebellion against lawful authority ?

  1. Mutiny
  2. Coup
  3. Revolution
  4. Dissidence

Q.8:- A man who is quite like a woman ?

  1. Feminine
  2. Feminist
  3. Effeminate
  4. Womanly

Q.9:- Someone who scientifically studies the birds ?

  1. Earthologist
  2. Orthopeadic
  3. Orthodondist
  4. Ornithologist

Q.10:- A large burial ground ?

  1. Mercenary
  2. Emissary
  3. Symmetry
  4. Cemetery

Q.11:- The science of the functioning and growth of society ?

  1. Anthropology
  2. Philosophy
  3. Sociology
  4. Psychology

Q.12:- An indirect reference ?

  1. Innuendo
  2. Remarks
  3. Suggestion
  4. Aside

Q.13:- To send someone back to his or her own country ?

  1. Extirpate
  2. Repatriate
  3. Expropriate
  4. Exile

Q.14:- Enigmatic person ?

  1. Unique
  2. Unstable
  3. Stable
  4. Unknowable

Q.15:- A person who thinks he is ill all the time ?

  1. Hypochondriac
  2. Neophyte
  3. Maniac
  4. Misanthrope

Q.16:- A person who has lost the protection of the law ?

  1. Outlaw
  2. Immigrant
  3. Outcast
  4. Orphan

Q.17:- A round-about way of expression ?

  1. Verbosity
  2. Talkativeness
  3. Circumlocution
  4. Loquacious

Q.18:- Committing murder in revenge ?

  1. Massacre
  2. Vendetta
  3. Homicide
  4. Regicide

Q.19:- A place where soldiers live ?

  1. Tanks
  2. Shacks
  3. Ordnance Depots
  4. Barracks

Q.20:- The act of showing disrespect towards sacred things ?

  1. Congregation
  2. Etymology
  3. Panjandrum
  4. Blasphemy

Q.21:- A notice of a person’s death ?

  1. Memorandum
  2. Obituary
  3. Reminder
  4. Rejoinder
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Q.22:- Identification with the feelings of another ?

  1. Sympathy
  2. Empathy
  3. Apathy
  4. Compassion

Q.23:- A job carrying no salary ?

  1. Honorary
  2. Memento
  3. Honorarium
  4. Memorandum

Q.24:- Trouble and annoy continually ?

  1. Complaint
  2. Harass
  3. Punish
  4. Oppress

Q.25:- We are expecting a good monsoon this year ?

  1. Getting
  2. Predicting
  3. Hoping
  4. Visualising