English One Word Substitution : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 10

Q.1:- Wild imagination ?

  1. Whim
  2. Fantasy
  3. Sonnet
  4. Carol

Q.2:- A book written by an unknown author ?

  1. Anonymous
  2. Acrimonious
  3. Audacious
  4. Assiduous

Q.3:- That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence or real nature of something ?

  1. Camouflage
  2. Transparent
  3. Infallible
  4. Image

Q.4:- Lack of feeling ?

  1. Empathy
  2. Apathy
  3. Sympathy
  4. Pity

Q.5:- Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling ?

  1. Borrow
  2. Burrow
  3. Bore
  4. Pierce

Q.6:- Her speech could not be heard by those sitting in the last few rows ?

  1. Imperceptible
  2. Indelible
  3. Inaudible
  4. Ineffable

Q.7:- Incapable of error ?

  1. Erroneous
  2. Incorrigible
  3. Unbeatable
  4. Infallible

Q.8:- An allowance made to a wife by her husband, when they are legally separated ?

  1. Alimony
  2. Parsimony
  3. Matrimony
  4. Honorarium

Q.9:- Government by the few ?

  1. Oligarchy
  2. Autocracy
  3. Monarchy
  4. Anarchy

Q.10:- Animals that eat flesh ?

  1. Herbivorous
  2. Carnivorous
  3. Omnivorous
  4. Insectivorous

Q.11:- Accidental good fortune ?

  1. Serendipity
  2. Good Luck
  3. Chance
  4. Fluke

Q.12:- Something that might happen in the future ?

  1. Contingency
  2. Insurance
  3. Emergency
  4. Prophecy

Q.13:- Passing out of use ?

  1. Adolescent
  2. Reticent
  3. Translucent
  4. Obsolescent

Q.14:- A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army ?

  1. Mercenary
  2. Liquidator
  3. Venal
  4. Hireling

Q.15:- A fictitious name especially one assumed by an author ?

  1. Nick Name
  2. Pseudonym
  3. Sobriquet
  4. Pet Name

Q.16:- An event that causes great harm to dams ?

  1. Problem
  2. Disaster
  3. Pain
  4. Relief

Q.17:- A speech made without preparation ?

  1. Impromptu
  2. Unscripted
  3. Ad Lib
  4. Extempore

Q.18:- A short trip or excursion ?

  1. Rambler
  2. Jaunt
  3. Detour
  4. Stroller

Q.19:- One who cannot make any mistake ?

  1. Illegible
  2. Inaudible
  3. Invisible
  4. Infallible

Q.20:- The belief that God is in everything including nature ?

  1. Pantheism
  2. Mysticism
  3. Naturalism
  4. Polytheism

Q.21:- Reasoning method involving two statements from which a conclusion is reached ?

  1. Logism
  2. Syllogism
  3. Rhetoric
  4. Rhapsody

Q.22:- Someone not fit to be chosen ?

  1. Non-eligible
  2. Ineligible
  3. Uneligible
  4. Imeligible

Q.23:- A cinema show held in the afternoon ?

  1. Entertainment
  2. Play
  3. Premiere
  4. Matinee
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Q.24:- One who does or studies without seriousness ?

  1. Dilettante
  2. Diligent
  3. Deliberate
  4. Distracted

Q.25:- A handsome man ?

  1. Adonis
  2. Tycoon
  3. Debonair
  4. Cavalier