English Idioms and Phrases : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 26


Q.1:- He has resigned his job and burnt his boats so far as government service is concerned ?

  1. Felt dejected
  2. Blasted his hopes
  3. Ruined himself
  4. Left no means of retreat

Q.2:- to blow one’s own trumpet ?

  1. To play on one’s own trumpet
  2. To praise one’s own self
  3. To create noisy disturbances
  4. To have a high-pitched voice

Q.3:- The teacher advised the students to take into account the advice given by the elders ?

  1. To obey
  2. To neglect
  3. To consider
  4. To reject

Q.4:- Many young artists were dropping names at the party to impress the gathering ?

  1. Talking proudly about their family members
  2. Using pet names
  3. Hinting at high connections
  4. Talking informally

Q.5:- The officer is fed up with the complaints made against the clerk ?

  1. Annoyed
  2. Disgusted
  3. Pleased
  4. Satisfied

Q.6:- “I take these at thy word”, said Romeo to Juliet ?

  1. Listen to you carefully
  2. Do not believe you
  3. Feel angry
  4. Truly believe you

Q.7:- He and his friend are sailing in the same boat ?

  1. Sailing together in the same boat
  2. Sharing the financial and social condition
  3. Being in the same difficult situation
  4. Getting rid of the difficult situation
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Q.8:- to take to heart ?

  1. To be encouraged
  2. To grieve over
  3. To like
  4. To hate

Q.9:- Aman works by fits and starts ?

  1. Consistently
  2. Irregularly
  3. In high spirits
  4. Enthusiastically

Q.10:- a bolt from the blue ?

  1. A delayed event
  2. An inexplicable event
  3. An unexpected event
  4. An unpleasant event

Q.11:- When the Principal was entering the class, all my friends quietly disappeared, leaving me alone to face the music ?

  1. To listen to him
  2. To enter into the class
  3. To bear the criticism
  4. To listen to a favourable comment

Q.12:- He was pulled up by the Director of the Company ?

  1. Assaulted
  2. Dragged
  3. Reprimanded
  4. Cleared

Q.13:- to bring to light ?

  1. To reveal
  2. To conceal
  3. To provide luminescence
  4. To appeal

Q.14:- by putting two and two together ?

  1. To mix several things
  2. To make an arithmetical calculation
  3. To keep people in pairs
  4. To deduce from given facts
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Q.15:- George and I are neighbours, but we don’t see eye to eye with each other ?

  1. Like
  2. Interact
  3. Agree
  4. Fight

Q.16:- People were dropping like flies in the intense heat ?

  1. Collapsing in large numbers
  2. Getting infected with many diseases
  3. Taking leave in large numbers
  4. Sitting down in the shade

Q.17:- Hand in glove ?

  1. Very difficult
  2. Open enemy
  3. Very intimate
  4. Very rude

Q.18:- Stand by ?

  1. Support
  2. Postpone
  3. Stand up
  4. Resist

Q.19:- I will do the work if I am allowed a free hand in the choice of materials ?

  1. Complete liberty
  2. An expense account
  3. To employ men to work
  4. Unlimited funds

Q.20:- I could have continued my higher studies if I wanted but, that’s water under the bridge ?

  1. Something I cannot change
  2. The time I met with an accident near the bridge
  3. Something my family did not want
  4. The time I went on a cruise

Q.21:- He is as hard as a nail, never moved by anything ?

  1. Tough
  2. Emotionless
  3. Physically strong
  4. Hard working
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Q.22:- Hard work pays in the long run ?

  1. Always
  2. Over a period of time
  3. Indefinitely
  4. Never

Q.23:- to play second fiddle ?

  1. To reduce the importance of one’s senior
  2. Take a subordinate role
  3. To do back seat driving
  4. To be happy, cheerful and healthy

Q.24:- The whole problem has been swept under the carpet, but that is not the solution ?

  1. Kept hidden
  2. Ignored
  3. Solved
  4. Detected

Q.25:- to get into hot water ?

  1. To have a hot bath
  2. To keep warm
  3. To get into trouble
  4. To get drowned