English Idioms and Phrases : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 25


Q.1:- Draw a blank ?

  1. Paint something
  2. Find no favour
  3. Oblige someone
  4. Teach someone

Q.2:- Cheek by jowl ?

  1. Very close together
  2. Arguing
  3. Teasing one another
  4. Avoiding one another

Q.3:- Hope against hope ?

  1. Think wishfully from time to time
  2. Hoped with good reason
  3. Nurture an impossible hope
  4. Pretend to hope

Q.4:- Scot free ?

  1. Unlimited
  2. Unpunished
  3. To freedom
  4. Unrepentant

Q.5:- Couch potato ?

  1. An old person who has old fashioned ideas
  2. A person who prefers to watch television
  3. A person who does not seem very friendly
  4. Someone who stays calm and does not show their emotions

Q.6:- Invent cock and bull stories ?

  1. Delightful fables
  2. Eco-friendly accounts
  3. Absurd and unlikely stories
  4. Credible tales

Q.7:- Put up the shutters ?

  1. Went out of business
  2. Experienced a downside
  3. Sold of assets
  4. Changed ownership

Q.8:- Cut a sorry figure ?

  1. Did not stand straight
  2. Apologized for his remarks
  3. Created a wrong impression
  4. Made a poor impression
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Q.9:- Alive and kicking ?

  1. Playing football
  2. Dying
  3. Becoming old
  4. In good health

Q.10:- At loose ends ?

  1. Tie two loose ends of a thread
  2. Keep options open
  3. In an uncertain situation
  4. Repay debt

Q.11:- Bad blood ?

  1. War
  2. Ill feeling
  3. Threatening attitude
  4. In an infected state of being

Q.12:- Raj couldn’t pay the bill, so he asked the owner to put it on the cuff ?

  1. On credit
  2. Against his credit card
  3. In his bank account
  4. In his friend’s account

Q.13:- If you are fair and square in your work you will definitely prosper ?

  1. Active
  2. Honest
  3. Business like
  4. Authoritative

Q.14:- The effort to trace the culprit was a wild goose chase ?

  1. Fruitful hunting
  2. Futile search
  3. Ideal seeking
  4. Genuine effort

Q.15:- I am done for ?

  1. Ruined
  2. Rewarded
  3. Answered
  4. Questioned

Q.16:- he didn’t tell me directly, but reading between the lines. I think he is not happy with them ?

  1. Reading slowly and haltingly
  2. Understanding the sense rather than the actual words
  3. Understanding the meaning of words and not the sense
  4. Reading superficially
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Q.17:- to run across ?

  1. To have an appointed meeting
  2. To meet by chance
  3. To run in the playground
  4. To run very fast

Q.18:- Have the last laugh ?

  1. Be of a cheerful nature
  2. Laugh only after understanding something
  3. To be victorious at the end of an argument
  4. To crack the final joke

Q.19:- The young and the old sat cheek by jowl in the large audience ?

  1. Very near
  2. Very far
  3. Tongue tied
  4. Irritated

Q.20:- he is so furious that he would go through fire and water to revenge himself on his foe ?

  1. Approach everybody for help
  2. Avail himself of any opportunity
  3. Use any conceivable method
  4. Undergo any risk

Q.21:- He was given Hobson’s choice by the employer ?

  1. Excellent choice
  2. No real choice at all
  3. Choice to live or die
  4. First choice
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Q.22:- She goes to her mother’s house off and on ?

  1. Frequently
  2. Rarely
  3. Occasionally
  4. Sometimes

Q.23:- In the long run ?

  1. Permanently
  2. Universally
  3. Occasionally
  4. Ultimately

Q.24:- to emerge out of thin air means to ?

  1. Appear suddenly
  2. Descend gradually
  3. Fall down quickly
  4. Enter from space

Q.25:- he expects his subordinates to be always at his back and call ?

  1. At rest
  2. At work
  3. At his disposal
  4. At their desks