English Idioms and Phrases : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 24


Q.1:- I am sure the girls will fight tooth and nail for their rights ?

  1. With all their might
  2. Without any weapon
  3. In a cowardly manner
  4. With all their rights

Q.2:- If people do not mend their ways, they are sure to go the dogs ?

  1. To fight
  2. To be ruined
  3. To be united
  4. To be rough

Q.3:- On second thoughts she refused to accept his invitation ?

  1. On reconsidering
  2. Reviewing leisurely
  3. Moral grounds
  4. Seeing his brashness

Q.4:- The lawyer’s closing arguments were full of red herrings ?

  1. Sound judgement
  2. References and allusion to previous crimes
  3. Clues intended to distract or mislead
  4. Loopholes

Q.5:- His frequent journeys are telling upon his health ?

  1. Threatening
  2. Improving
  3. Informing
  4. Affecting

Q.6:- The future of Kashmir is still a vexed question ?

  1. Controversial
  2. None of the given options
  3. Important
  4. Confused

Q.7:- I and my friend always go Dutch when we eat out ?

  1. Drive together
  2. Pay for each other’s meal
  3. Go together
  4. Divide the costs
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Q.8:- I have clean hands, so why should I be afraid of any one ?

  1. Beautiful
  2. Faulty
  3. Innocent
  4. Hygienic

Q.9:- Everybody thought Asha and Ashok were a happy couple, but it was all just make believe ?

  1. Hatred
  2. Treachery
  3. Reality
  4. Pretence

Q.10:- My brother puts by a little money every month ?

  1. Saves
  2. Loses
  3. Gives away
  4. Spends carefully

Q.11:- A false friend never hesitates to shed crocodile tears ?

  1. To move from one place to another
  2. To show false happiness
  3. To feel disappointed
  4. To pretend to be sympathetic

Q.12:- to put one’s hand to plough ?

  1. To take up a difficult task
  2. To get entangled into unnecessary things
  3. To take up agricultural farming
  4. Take interest in technical work

Q.13:- many of us have seen the dog who is full of beans outside the ring but, after stepping across the threshold of the ring, walks as if his feet are made of lead ?

  1. Successful
  2. Popular
  3. Lacks energy
  4. Energetic
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Q.14:- Null and void ?

  1. Invalid
  2. Observant
  3. Uncontrolled
  4. Homeless

Q.15:- Bark is worse than his bite ?

  1. Threat is worse than the action taken
  2. Temper cannot be controlled
  3. Ferocious scolding hurt more than his action
  4. Anger is always justified

Q.16:- Ill at ease ?

  1. Unwell
  2. Irritated
  3. Uneasy
  4. Confused

Q.17:- Pale into insignificance ?

  1. Seemed less important
  2. Was less exciting
  3. Was less hectic
  4. Was dull and pale

Q.18:- to spill the beans ?

  1. To reveal partial truth
  2. To be untidy
  3. To reveal a secret
  4. To conceal a fact

Q.19:- cut the mustard ?

  1. To get under expectations
  2. To score average
  3. To perform well
  4. To underperform

Q.20:- At one’s throw ?

  1. At a short distance
  2. At a place where quarrels take place
  3. At a great distance
  4. A quarry

Q.21:- His boss was always breathing down his neck ?

  1. Shouting loudly at him
  2. Giving him strenuous work
  3. Abusing and ill-treating him
  4. Watching all his actions closely
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Q.22:- to be in a fix ?

  1. In pain
  2. In distress
  3. Depressed
  4. In a difficult situation

Q.23:- A storm in a teacup ?

  1. Steam while having tea
  2. Something which encourages
  3. Big fuss over a small matter
  4. Special positions

Q.24:- Build castles in the air ?

  1. Work tirelessly
  2. Fly
  3. Dream
  4. Film something

Q.25:- To nip in the bud ?

  1. To stop something at the start
  2. To trim the flowers
  3. To pluck the flowers
  4. To steal from