English Idioms and Phrases : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 23


Q.1:- to call a spade a spade ?

  1. To be frank
  2. To be sly
  3. To be rude
  4. To be diplomatic

Q.2:- His speech fell short on the audience ?

  1. Had no effect
  2. Moved the audience
  3. Impressed the audience
  4. Was quite short

Q.3:- It is hard to strike a bargain with a woman ?

  1. To finalize a deal
  2. To negotiate a deal
  3. To negotiate
  4. To deal

Q.4:- The actress took cue from her brother and became successful ?

  1. Some help
  2. A hint
  3. Some money
  4. Learnt acting

Q.5:- a shot in the dark ?

  1. To love to go out on adventures
  2. Be able to work very quickly
  3. Be very violent
  4. An attempt to guess something

Q.6:- I took exception to his remarks and left the meeting ?

  1. Objected
  2. Suggested
  3. Heard
  4. Excused

Q.7:- He lays out fifty percent of his income on bonds and shares ?

  1. Allots
  2. Distributes
  3. Donates
  4. Spends

Q.8:- He is putting the cart before the horse by purchasing furniture before buying a house ?

  1. Doing a thing in the wrong way
  2. Doing a thing in the right way
  3. Committing a great crime
  4. Doing things meticulously
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Q.9:- She is leaving the country for good ?

  1. For the time being
  2. For good times
  3. Temporarily
  4. Permanently

Q.10:- You better learn to toe the line to avoid consequences ?

  1. To be indifferent to rules
  2. To disobey rule
  3. To follow the lead
  4. To make your own rules

Q.11:- Life is an event of give and take ?

  1. Adjustment
  2. Make believe
  3. Always
  4. Giving

Q.12:- Let sleeping dogs lie ?

  1. Dogs can raise tempers
  2. Do not allow dogs to stand
  3. Prevent dog mobility
  4. Do not bring up an old controversial issue

Q.13:- The manager hesitated to assign the job to the newcomer as he was wet behind the ears ?

  1. Young and inexperienced
  2. Drenched in the rain
  3. Unpunctual and lethargic
  4. Stupid and slow-witted

Q.14:- The personality development class started with an ice breaking session ?

  1. Having breakfast
  2. Starting conversation
  3. Introducing chief guest
  4. Making speeches

Q.15:- We visit the shopping mall off and on ?

  1. Up and about
  2. Often
  3. Really and truly
  4. Once upon a time
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Q.16:- the hunter began to suspect that he had been sent on a wild goose chase as there was no white elephant in the forest ?

  1. To hunt
  2. A foolish and useless enterprise
  3. A violent chase
  4. To speak harshly

Q.17:- Sachin Tendulkar’s batting skills make him a cut above the rest ?

  1. Taller than
  2. Superior to
  3. Senior to
  4. Different from

Q.18:- The soldiers fought tooth and nail to save their country ?

  1. Using unfair means
  2. With strength and fury
  3. With weapons
  4. As best as they could

Q.19:- The mention of her former husband’s name still makes Rita foam at the mouth ?

  1. Angry
  2. Vomit
  3. Shy
  4. Fall Sick

Q.20:- When he asked me the way to the cafeteria, I told him to follow his nose ?

  1. To find it by himself
  2. To ask someone else
  3. To follow me
  4. To go straight ahead

Q.21:- I am very interested to know the outcome of the debate, kindly keep me in the loop ?

  1. Out of it
  2. Informed about the fees
  3. Informed about the last date of joining
  4. Informed regularly
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Q.22:- Through the reporter’s efforts, many unknown facts have come to light ?

  1. Ignited
  2. Flared up
  3. Brightened
  4. Been revealed

Q.23:- I want to tell you in a nut shell, lust for money and power ruined her life ?

  1. As objectively as possible
  2. Confidentially
  3. In detail
  4. In a brief manner

Q.24:- His argument does not hold water ?

  1. To have effect
  2. To influence
  3. To check the flow of water
  4. Sound logical fact

Q.25:- to cut the Gordian knot ?

  1. To perform a difficult task
  2. To cut a piece of cloth
  3. To perform an easy task
  4. To do a job perfunctorily