English Idioms and Phrases : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 15


Q.1:- The mother was right in giving a piece of her mind to the daughter ?

  1. Speaking sadly
  2. Speaking sharply
  3. Speaking kindly
  4. Speaking cheerfully

Q.2:- After getting a severe scolding from his mother, Raghu got down to business ?

  1. Began to work seriously
  2. Joined his father’s business
  3. Started a business
  4. Became businesslike

Q.3:- The police cordoned off the area after the explosion ?

  1. Did not allow anymore to leave
  2. Filled
  3. Isolated
  4. Checked everyone in

Q.4:- Our plan to go to London is in the air ?

  1. Undecided
  2. Certain
  3. Under consideration
  4. For approval

Q.5:- The present manner of delimitation has been done in a gerrymandering way ?

  1. In a legal and constitutional manner
  2. In a judicial and fair way
  3. In a manipulative and unfair way
  4. In a dictative manner like the Germans

Q.6:- Her father strained every nerve to enable her to get settled in life ?

  1. Worked very hard
  2. Spent a huge amount
  3. Tried all tricks
  4. Bribed several persons
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Q.7:- he gave vent to his pleasure with a smile ?

  1. Shared
  2. Allowed
  3. Expressed
  4. Enjoyed

Q.8:- Some shots were fire at random ?

  1. Without any aim
  2. For a long time
  3. To end quarrel
  4. Thoroughly

Q.9:- Sheila’s tall tales have no meaning ?

  1. Jealousy
  2. Greed
  3. Boasting
  4. Pride

Q.10:- In his salad days he was quite a  dandy ?

  1. Childhood
  2. Adolescence
  3. School days
  4. Old age

Q.11: A close-fisted person ?

  1. A powerful person
  2. A miser
  3. A close friend
  4. A cowardly person

Q.12:- He could not get money from his master because he rubbed him up the wrong way ?

  1. Irked or irritated him
  2. Asked him to speed up
  3. Suggested a wrong method
  4. Advised him to be strict

Q.13:- At the police station, he showed a clean pair of heels ?

  1. Ran away
  2. Displayed clean heels
  3. Kneeled down
  4. Showed courage

Q.14:- Look sharp or you will miss the opportunity ?

  1. Be confident
  2. Pay attention
  3. Take control
  4. Make haste
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Q.15:- he wanted this agreement in black and white ?

  1. In writing
  2. Orally
  3. In discourse
  4. In detail

Q.16:- Even in the middle of the fire he kept a level head ?

  1. Was impulsive
  2. Was sensible
  3. Was crazy
  4. Was self centred

Q.17:- He usually goes to bed very early and rises with the lark ?

  1. At midnight
  2. Very late
  3. Very early
  4. After sunrise

Q.18:- I have taken fancy to this car ?

  1. Given imaginative touches
  2. Revised
  3. Developed liking for
  4. Improved

Q.19:- Out of sorts ?

  1. Not rich
  2. Out of reach
  3. Out of sight
  4. Not well

Q.20:- She played ducks and drakes with her money ?

  1. Lent
  2. Spent lavishly
  3. Did not spend
  4. Borrowed

Q.21:- It is sometimes wiser to rely on horse sense than on the advice of colleagues ?

  1. Advice of parents
  2. Advice of teachers
  3. Advice of colleagues
  4. Basic common sense
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Q.22:- Russel Peters really brought the house down with his spectacular performance at the Club yesterday ?

  1. Passed a bill unanimously
  2. Amused the audience greatly
  3. Pulled down a
  4. Defamed a family building

Q.23:- Carry out ?

  1. Bring
  2. Continue
  3. Complete something
  4. To take in

Q.24:- to keep the wolf away from the door ?

  1. To keep off starvation
  2. To guard against wild animals
  3. To guard against enemies
  4. To keep aloof from disputed matters

Q.25:- to put his foot down ?

  1. Concede
  2. Not to yield
  3. Resign
  4. Withdraw