English Idioms and Phrases : All SSC Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Questions Set 13


Q.1:- To weigh up the pros and cons is to ?

  1. Measure the ingredient
  2. Observe etiquette
  3. Consider all facts
  4. Postpone action

Q.2:- The story of the train accident as narrated by one of the survivors made my flesh creep ?

  1. Thrilled me
  2. Horrified me
  3. Excited me
  4. Frightened me

Q.3:- to turn a deaf ear ?

  1. To be hard of hearing
  2. To be indifferent
  3. To be attentive
  4. To be obstinate

Q.4:- The ruling party has been warned not to play to the gallery ?

  1. To give importance to the common man
  2. To try to be clever
  3. To seek to win approval
  4. To side-track the issue

Q.5:- All his ventures went to the winds ?

  1. Dissipated
  2. Spread all over
  3. Got speed of the winds
  4. Became well-known

Q.6:- Syria is now currying favour with America ?

  1. Pleasing
  2. Favouring
  3. Obliging
  4. Ingratiating itself with

Q.7:- The principal has to carry out the orders issued by the higher authorities ?

  1. Obey
  2. Communicate
  3. Execute
  4. Modify

Q.8:- He was confident that all his present sufferings will soon blow over ?

  1. Increase
  2. Pass off
  3. Be looked into
  4. Be taken care of
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Q.9:- The prodigal son was left high and dry by his friends, when he lost all his money ?

  1. Wounded
  2. Alone
  3. Depressed
  4. Neglected

Q.10:- They have made many changes in the policy, but how many of these changes are going to affect the man in the street ?

  1. The homeless man
  2. The ordinary man
  3. The man who works on the street
  4. The man who repairs roads

Q.11:- A white elephant ?

  1. A rare species of elephants
  2. An expensive gift
  3. A costly but useless possession
  4. A worthless thing

Q.12:- His parents cut him off, without shilling ?

  1. Disinherited him
  2. Snubbed him
  3. Gave him only a shilling
  4. Sent him away with a shilling

Q.13:- As usual he is blowing his own trumpet ?

  1. Refusing to use anybody else’s trumpet
  2. Playing a tune on the trumpet
  3. Praising himself
  4. Praising himself and others

Q.14:- To be successful in today’s world, we require the gift of the gab ?

  1. Ability to speak well
  2. Good interpersonal skills
  3. Divine help and guidance
  4. A fierce competitive spirit
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Q.15:- to bite the dust ?

  1. Eat voraciously
  2. Have nothing to eat
  3. Eat roots
  4. None of the above

Q.16:- His blood ran cold when he heard his uncle was murdered ?

  1. He was frightened
  2. He was horrified
  3. He was disgusted
  4. He was depressed

Q.17:- I trust you will bear with me a few minutes more ?

  1. Have patience with
  2. Support
  3. Carry the burden for
  4. Be in control for

Q.18:- Winter was so bad that the nomadic tribesmen found it difficult to keep the wolf from the door ?

  1. Hunt wild animals
  2. Escape starvation
  3. Get woolen clothes
  4. Walk on ice

Q.19:- to show a clean pair of heels ?

  1. To hide
  2. To escape
  3. To pursue
  4. To follow

Q.20:- It is high time he came out of his shell ?

  1. Appeared suddenly
  2. Became more sociable
  3. Became a loser
  4. Removed his clothes

Q.21:- The possession of Jerusalem is a stone of contention between Israel and Palestine ?

  1. A subject of peace
  2. A subject of trade
  3. A subject of dispute
  4. A subject of exports
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Q.22:- The angry hockey players gave vent to their feelings ?

  1. To express
  2. To emphasise
  3. To suppress
  4. To dismiss

Q.23:- to strain every nerve ?

  1. To make utmost efforts
  2. To feel weak and tired
  3. To be a diligent worker
  4. To be methodical in work

Q.24:- The police caught the thief red handed ?

  1. In a red uniform
  2. With blood in hands
  3. At the time of committing the crime
  4. After reading the rules

Q.25:- Wear and tear ?

  1. A brand name
  2. Damage
  3. Lot of sorrow
  4. A warning