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Which substances are feebly magnetised in the opposite direction of magnetic field, when placed in strong magnetic field?

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Posted : April 17, 2023 3:45 pm
Students Community
Posts: 1064
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Substances that are feebly magnetized in the opposite direction of the magnetic field when placed in a strong magnetic field are known as diamagnetic materials.

Diamagnetic materials have a weak and temporary response to an applied magnetic field. When subjected to a strong external magnetic field, the atomic or molecular currents induced within diamagnetic materials produce a magnetic field that opposes the external field. This results in the material being weakly magnetized in the opposite direction to the applied field.

Examples of diamagnetic materials include:-

1. Bismuth
2. Copper
3. Gold
4. Silver
5. Water

These materials exhibit diamagnetic behaviour due to the paired electrons in their atomic or molecular orbitals, which generate opposing magnetic moments when subjected to an external magnetic field.

Posted : March 12, 2024 10:29 pm

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