Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 28

Q.1:- Schiff’s reagent is ?

  1. Magenta solution decolourised with sulphurous acid
  2. Magenta solution decolourised with chlorine
  3. Ammoniacal cobalt chloride solution
  4. Ammonical manganese sulphate solution

Q.2:- Natural rubber is a polymer of ? [SSC Exams 2013]

  1. Isoprene
  2. Styrene
  3. Vinyl Acetate
  4. Propene

Q.3:- Lactic acid is ?

  1. Propionic acid
  2. Alpha Hydroxy Propionic Acid
  3. Beta Hydroxy Propionic Acid
  4. None of the above

Q.4:- Soft soaps are ?

  1. Sodium Salt
  2. Calcium Salt
  3. Magnesium Salt
  4. Potassium Salt

Q.5:- Sodium Acetamide smell like ?

  1. Garlic
  2. Rotten Egg
  3. Pleasant
  4. Reminiscent of Mice

Q.6:- Which is the primary component of natural gas ? [CDS Exam 2006]

  1. Methane
  2. Butane
  3. Propene
  4. Ethane

Q.7:- Iodine deficiency in diet is known to cause ?

  1. Beri-Beri
  2. Rickets
  3. Night-Blindness
  4. Goitre

Q.8:- Chemical name of Vitamin A is ?

  1. Thiamine
  2. Axerophthol (Retinol)
  3. Ascorbic Acid
  4. Nicotinamide

Q.9:- Which protein is main constituent of milk ?

  1. Casein
  2. Insulin
  3. Myosin
  4. Keratin

Q.10:- Deficiency of Vitamin E causes ?

  1. Beri-Beri
  2. Scurvy
  3. Antifertility
  4. None of the above
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Q.11:- Which one of the following based found in DNA but not in RNA ?

  1. Cytosine
  2. Guanine
  3. Adenine
  4. Thymine

Q.12:- Amino acids are building blocks of ?

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Fats
  3. Proteins
  4. Vitamins

Q.13:- Vitamin D is also known as ?

  1. Ascorbic Acid
  2. Growth Vitamin
  3. Reproductive Vitamin
  4. Sunshine Vitamin

Q.14:- Salicylic acid is used ?

  1. As an antiseptic
  2. As a medicine for rheumatic pain
  3. In the preparation of azo dyes
  4. All of these

Q.15:- Taj Mahal is said to be suffering from “Marble Cancer”. What is Marble Cancer ? [SSC Exam 2015]

  1. Smokes filling the Taj Mahal from adjoining industries
  2. Large number of funges is Taj Mahal marbles
  3. Acid rain which corrodes marble
  4. Yellowing of marble on a/c of shoot particles

Q.16:- Which one of the following is the sweetest natural sugar ?

  1. Glucose
  2. Fructose
  3. Lactose
  4. Sucrose
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Q.17:- Deficiency of which vitamin results in inflammation of skin and Eczema along with diarrhoea ? [CDS Exam 2005]

  1. Ascorbic Acid
  2. Folic Acid
  3. Nicotinic Acid
  4. Pantothnic Acid

Q.18:- A metal which can form a complex with insulin is ?

  1. Copper
  2. Iron
  3. Zinc
  4. Cobalt

Q.19:- Cellulose is a polymer of ?

  1. Glucose
  2. Fructose
  3. Ribose
  4. Sucrose

Q.20:- Aerobic Oxidation is caused by ?

  1. Aerobic batteries in presence of excess of Oxygen
  2. Anaerobic bacteria in presence of insufficient Oxygen
  3. Aerobic bacteria in the absence of Oxygen
  4. Both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria in any condition

Q.21:- The process which does not evolve CO2 in air is ?

  1. Burning
  2. Breathing
  3. Organic Decay
  4. Photosynthesis

Q.22:- The increasing amount of Carbon Dioxide in the air is slowly raising the temperature of the atmosphere, because it absorbs ? [IAS Exam 2012]

  1. The water vapour of the air and retains its heat
  2. The ultraviolet part of the solar radiation
  3. All the solar radiations
  4. The infrared part of the solar radiation
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Q.23:- Which one is the compound in the following ?

  1. Mercury
  2. Ozone
  3. Ammonia
  4. Air

Q.24:- Cathode rays have ?

  1. Mass only
  2. Charge only
  3. No mass and no charge
  4. Mass and charge both

Q.25:- Which of the following has the longest wave length ? [CDS Exam 2006]

  1. Ultraviolet Radiation
  2. Gama Radiation
  3. Visible Radiation
  4. Infrared Radiation