Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 31

Q.1:- Iron obtained from blast furnace is known as ?

  1. Pig Iron
  2. Hard Iron
  3. Wrought Iron
  4. Soft Iron

Q.2:- Thermal conductivity of Aluminium, Copper and Stainless Steel increases in the order ? [NDA Exam 2015]

  1. Copper <Aluminium < Stainless Steel
  2. Stainless Steel < Aluminium < Copper
  3. Aluminium > Copper < Stainless Steel
  4. Copper < Stainless Steel < Aluminium

Q.3:- Tempered steel is ?

  1. Hard and Brittle
  2. Soft and Malleable
  3. Very Soft
  4. Neither so hard nor so brittle

Q.4:- Misch metal is ?

  1. An alloy of Copper
  2. An alloy of lanthanoid metal
  3. An alloy of Aluminium
  4. A mixture of Chromium and Lead Chromate

Q.5:- Corrosion is basically an ?

  1. Interaction
  2. Union between light metal and heavy metal
  3. Electrochemical phenomenon
  4. Altered reaction in presence of H2O

Q.6:- Which of the following could act as propellant for rockets ?

  1. Liquid Hydrogen + Liquid Nitrogen
  2. Liquid Nitrogen + Liquid Oxygen
  3. Liquid Hydrogen + Liquid Oxygen
  4. Liquid Oxygen + Liquid Argon
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Q.7:- Which of the following is usually not an air pollutant ? [SSC (Stenographer) Exams 2014]

  1. Sulphur Dioxide
  2. Carbon Dioxide
  3. Nitrous Oxide
  4. Hydrocarbons

Q.8:- Duralumin alloy consists of ?

  1. Al and Mg
  2. Al and Ni
  3. Al, Mg and Ni
  4. Al, Mg, Mn and Cu

Q.9:- The structure of Boric Acid is ?

  1. Planer
  2. Tetrahedral
  3. Trigonal Planer
  4. Hexagonal

Q.10:- Anhydrous Aluminium Chloride is used as catalyst in ?

  1. Aldol condensation reaction
  2. Frie’s rearrangement
  3. Hofmann’s method
  4. Friedal craft reaction

Q.11:- Marsh gas contains ?

  1. CO2
  2. CH4
  3. N2
  4. C2H6

Q.12:- Boron behaves as a ?

  1. Metal
  2. Non-Metal
  3. Metalloid
  4. Transition Metal

Q.13:- Which of the following compounds is formed in the Borax Bead Test ?

  1. Metal Metaborate
  2. Boron Oxide
  3. Metal Boride
  4. Metallic Boron

Q.14:- Which is pseudo solid ?

  1. Glass
  2. Diamond
  3. Sodium Chloride
  4. Calcium Carbonali
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Q.15:- An electrician’s solder is an alloy of ?

  1. Cu and Pb
  2. Zn and Cu
  3. Sn and Pb
  4. Fe and Zn

Q.16:- Cement factory workers are prone to ? [SSC (LDC) Exams 2015]

  1. Asbestosis
  2. Leukemia
  3. Bone Marrow Disease
  4. Cytosilicosis

Q.17:- The catalyst used in manufacture of NO by Ostwald process is ?

  1. Pt
  2. Mo
  3. Fe
  4. Ag

Q.18:- Blasting of T.N.T. is made by mixing ?

  1. NH4NO2
  2. NH4Cl
  3. (NH4)2SO4
  4. NH4NO3

Q.19:- The mineral element which is essential in Nitrogen Fixation is ?

  1. Zn
  2. Cu
  3. Mo
  4. B

Q.20:- Which is known as oil of Vitriol ?

  1. H2SO3
  2. H2SO4
  3. H2SO5
  4. H2S2O8

Q.21:- H2S2O8 is called ?

  1. Persulphuric Acid
  2. Pyrosulphurus acid
  3. Pyrosulphuric acid
  4. Dithionic acid

Q.22:- Which of the following is not true about urea ?

  1. It should be applied at sowing time
  2. It cannot be used for all types of crops and soils
  3. The cost of production of urea is low
  4. It can be stored easily
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Q.23:- Concentrated Sulphuric Acid is always diluted by adding ?

  1. Acid to water
  2. Phenol to acid
  3. Water to acid
  4. Alcohol to acid

Q.24:- The first ever compound of noble gas was prepared by ?

  1. Ramsay
  2. Bartlett
  3. Berzelius
  4. Cavendish

Q.25:- The acid employed for etching of glass is ?

  1. H2SO4
  2. HClO4
  3. HF
  4. Aqua-Regia