Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 25

Q.1:- The product of equivalent weight and valency of an element is equal to ?

  1. Vapour Density
  2. Specific Heat
  3. Atomic Weight
  4. Molecular Weight

Q.2:- Which one among the following is the heaviest ? [NDA Exam 2005]

  1. 1 mole of water molecules
  2. 1 mole of ammonia molecules
  3. 1 mole of sodium atoms
  4. 1 mole of hydrogen molecules

Q.3:- The charge on positron is equal to the charge on ?

  1. Proton
  2. Electron
  3. Alpha Particle
  4. Neutron

Q.4:- Which of the following elements does not exhibit natural radioactivity ? [SSC Exams 2014]

  1. Uranium
  2. Thorium
  3. Aluminium
  4. Polonium

Q.5:- A bond formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms of the elements is called ?

  1. Ionic Bond
  2. Covalent Bond
  3. Coordinate Bond
  4. Hydrogen Bond

Q.6:- Compound having tetrahedral structure is ?

  1. C2H4
  2. C2H2
  3. CH4
  4. None of the above

Q.7:- Oxidation number of N in NH4NO3 is ?

  1. -3
  2. +5
  3. -3 and +5
  4. +3 and -5

Q.8:- Which is not a Lewis Acid ?

  1. BF3
  2. AlCl3
  3. FeCl3
  4. NH3
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Q.9:- The pH of water at 25 deg C is 7. When is heated to 100 deg C, the pH of water ? [NDA Exam 2004]

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains same
  4. Decreases up to 50 Deg C and then increases

Q.10:- When the universal gas constant (R) is divided by Avogadro’s number (N), their ratio is called ?

  1. Planck’s constant
  2. Rydberg’s constant
  3. Boltzmann’s constant
  4. Van Der Waal’s constant

Q.11:- Efficiency of the catalyst depends on its ?

  1. Molecular state
  2. Number of free valencies
  3. Physical state
  4. Amount used

Q.12:- The calorific value of fat is ?

  1. Less than that of carbohydrates and protein
  2. Less than that of protein but more than carbohydrates
  3. Less than that of carbohydrate but more than that of protein
  4. More than that of carbohydrate and protein

Q.13:- The efficiency of a heat engine is maximum when ?

  1. Temperature of source is greater than that of sink
  2. Temperature of sink is greater than that of source
  3. Temperature difference of source and sink is minimum
  4. Temperature difference of source and sink is maximum
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Q.14:- In which type of coal percentage of carbon is the highest ?

  1. Peat
  2. Lignite
  3. Bituminous
  4. Anthracite

Q.15:- The horizontal line in modern periodic table is called ?

  1. Period
  2. Group
  3. Metal
  4. None of the above

Q.16:- The elements in group zero are called ?

  1. Alkali Metals
  2. Transition Metals
  3. Inert Gases
  4. None of the above

Q.17:- The electron affinity of Chlorine is highest than that of Fluorine due to ?

  1. Its highest reactivity
  2. Bigger size
  3. Difference in their electronic configuration
  4. Smaller nuclear charge

Q.18:- The most electropositive amongst the alkaline earth metals is ?

  1. Beryllium
  2. Magnesium
  3. Barium
  4. Calcium

Q.19:- The most convenient way of expressing concentration is ?

  1. Normality
  2. Molarity
  3. Molality
  4. Mole Fraction

Q.20:- The best conductor of electricity is a 0.1 M solution of ?

  1. Acetic Acid
  2. Boric Acid
  3. Propionic Acid
  4. Sulphuric Acid
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Q.21:- The depolarizer used in dry cell batteries is ?

  1. Manganese dioxide
  2. NH4Cl
  3. Sodium Tri-phosphide
  4. Potassium Hydroxide

Q.22:- The solution of rubber is an example of ?

  1. Lyophobic Acid
  2. Multi-Molecular Colloid
  3. Associated Colloid
  4. Macromolecular Colloid

Q.23:- Which one of the following contains maximum percentage of Carbon ? [SSC Exam 2014]

  1. Cast Iron
  2. Stainless Steel
  3. Wrought Iron
  4. High Speed Steel

Q.24:- Malachite is a mineral of ?

  1. Mg
  2. Cu
  3. Al
  4. Fe

Q.25:- The process of zone refining is used for ?

  1. Silicon
  2. Gallium
  3. Germanium
  4. All of the above