Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 27

Q.1:- Chlorine is mixed in water so that ?

  1. Bacteria are killed
  2. Dirt is removed
  3. Water is cleaned
  4. Suspension is removed

Q.2:- A colourless gas with smell of rotten egg is ?

  1. SO2
  2. SO3
  3. H2S
  4. None of the above

Q.3:- Freon is used as ?

  1. Oxidant
  2. Refrigerant
  3. Catalyst
  4. Both (B) and (C)

Q.4:- The Hydrogen Halide with the highest boiling point is ?

  1. HI
  2. HBr
  3. HCl
  4. HF

Q.5:- Acid rain is due to ? [EPFO Exam 2016]

  1. Sulphur dioxide pollution
  2. Carbon monoxide pollution
  3. Pesticide pollution
  4. Dust particles in the atmosphere

Q.6:- Which of the following does not have bleaching action ?

  1. Cl2 (cmoist)
  2. CaOCl2
  3. NaClO
  4. Br2

Q.7:- Which one of the following is produced during the formation of photochemical smog ? [IAS Exam 2003]

  1. Hydrocarbons
  2. Nitrogen Oxide
  3. Ozone
  4. Methane

Q.8:- Radon is a ?

  1. Drug
  2. Noble Gas
  3. Trade name of Nylon
  4. Explosive
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Q.9:- Which one of the following is used for writing on glass ? [CDS Exam 2006]

  1. Silicon
  2. Hydrogen Iodide
  3. Hydrogen Fluoride
  4. Graphite

Q.10:- Which one of the following is associated with the formation of brown air in traffic congested cities ? [NDA Exam 2009]

  1. Sulphur Dioxide
  2. Nitrogen Oxide
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Carbon Monoxide

Q.11:- Which of the following alloy is used for making magnets for hearing aids ?

  1. Invar
  2. German Silver
  3. Monel Metal
  4. Alinco

Q.12:- Molecule in which the distance between two adjacent Carbon atoms is longest in ?

  1. Ethane
  2. Ethene
  3. Ethyne
  4. Benzene

Q.13:- A mixture of Camphor and Benzoic Acid can be easily separated by ?

  1. Sublimation
  2. Fractional Distillation
  3. Chemical Method
  4. Extraction with solvents

Q.14:- Which of the following is a chiral carbon ?

  1. CH4
  2. CH3I
  3. CH2Cl
  4. CHIBrCl
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Q.15:- An isomer of Ethanol is ?

  1. Methanol
  2. Acetone
  3. Diethyl Ether
  4. Dimethyl Ether

Q.16:- Lassaigne’s test is used for the detection of ?

  1. Carbon only
  2. Hydrogen only
  3. Oxygen only
  4. Nitrogen, Sulphur and Halogens

Q.17:- The name fire damp is given to ?

  1. Methane
  2. Ethane
  3. Propane
  4. Butane

Q.18:- Carbon black is obtained when Methane is ?

  1. Heated in absence of air
  2. Heated in presence of Nitrogen
  3. Heated in presence of Ammonia
  4. Heated with steam

Q.19:- Petroleum is a mixture of ?

  1. Alkenes
  2. Cycloalkanes
  3. Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  4. All of these

Q.20:- Lindlar’s catalyst is ?

  1. Pt in Ethanol
  2. Pd + BaSO4
  3. Ni in Ethanol
  4. Na in liquid NH3

Q.21:- Baeyer’s reagent is ?

  1. Alkaline KMnO4 Solution
  2. Acidic KMnO4 Solution
  3. Neutral KMnO4 Solution
  4. Aqueous Bromine Solution
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Q.22:- Liquid Hydrocarbon is converted into a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbon by ?

  1. Cracking
  2. Hydrolysis
  3. Oxidation
  4. Distillation

Q.23:- Most of Hydrocarbons from petroleum are obtained by ?

  1. Fractional distillation
  2. Fractional crystallization
  3. Vaporisation
  4. Isomerisation

Q.24:- Formaline is the commercial name of ?

  1. Formic acid
  2. Fluoroform
  3. 40% Aqueous Solution of Methanal
  4. Paraformaldehyde

Q.25:- Which of the following is used as a Hypnotic ?

  1. Paraldehyde
  2. Metaldehyde
  3. Acetaldehyde
  4. Formaldehyde