Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 22

Q.1:- The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte depends on ? [
SSC Exams 2013]

  1. Atmospheric Pressure
  2. Method of Dissolution
  3. Dilution
  4. Impurities

Q.2:- When a few typical solutes are separated by a particular selective membrane, such as protein particles from blood corpuscles, the process is called ?

  1. Exosmosis
  2. Dialysis
  3. Transcription
  4. Endosmosis

Q.3:- Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

  1. Aerosol-Smoke
  2. Foam-Mist
  3. Emulsion-Curd
  4. All of the above

Q.4:- Scattering of light takes place in ?

  1. Electroplating
  2. Electrolysis
  3. Solutions of Electrolyte
  4. Colloidal Solution

Q.5:- When river water meets sea water delta formation takes place. It is due to the phenomenon of ?

  1. Dialysis
  2. Coagulation
  3. Electrophoresis
  4. Absorption

Q.6:- Out of the following which one is an example of emulsion ?

  1. Soap Solution
  2. Milk
  3. Blood
  4. Air

Q.7:- The most abundant element of earth crust is ?

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Silicon
  4. Carbon
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Q.8:- An important constituent of Amalgam is ?

  1. Al
  2. Ag
  3. Hg
  4. Mg

Q.9:- Which one of the following statements is correct ?

  1. Liquid Sodium is employed as a coolant in nuclear reactors
  2. Calcium Carbonate is an ingredient of tooth paste
  3. Bordeaux mixture consists of Sodium Sulphate and Lime
  4. Zinc amalgams are used as a dental filling

Q.10:- Alloy is an example of ?

  1. Gel
  2. Aerosol
  3. Solid Sol
  4. Emulsion

Q.11:- Zone refining is a method to obtain ?

  1. High temperature
  2. Ultrapure oxides
  3. Ultrapure metals
  4. All of these

Q.12:- An important ore for Iron is ?

  1. Pitch Blende
  2. Galena
  3. Malachite
  4. Haematite

Q.13:- Which of the following is used in thermometer ? [JSS 2015 Exam]

  1. Zinc
  2. Lead
  3. Mercury
  4. Tin

Q.14:- Which of the following is a Fluoride Mineral of Aluminium ?

  1. Felspar
  2. Cryolite
  3. Mica
  4. Porcels
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Q.15:- The colour of Iodine Solution is discharged by shaking it with aqueous solution of ?

  1. Sodium Sulphate
  2. Sodium Sulphite
  3. Sodium Thiosulphate
  4. Sulphuric Acid

Q.16:- On strongly heating Copper Nitrate, we get ?

  1. Copper Metal
  2. Cuprous Oxide
  3. Cupric Oxide
  4. Copper Sulphate

Q.17:- The mixture of MgCl2 and MgO is called ?

  1. Pseudo Alum
  2. Sorel’s Cement
  3. Portland Cement
  4. Alum

Q.18:- Nitrolim is a mixture of ?

  1. CaCN2 and N2
  2. CaCN2 and Graphite
  3. CaC2 and Graphite
  4. Ca(CN)2 and Graphite

Q.19:- Which of the following alkaline earth metal shows properties similar to Al ?

  1. Ca
  2. Be
  3. Ba
  4. Sr

Q.20:- Which of the following ion is diamagnetic here ?

  1. Cu+
  2. Zn2+
  3. Sc3+
  4. All of these

Q.21:- The element with electronic configuration 3d54s1 is ?

  1. Metalloid
  2. Non-Metal
  3. Transition Metal
  4. Noble Gas

Q.22:- The green colour seen in fireworks displays is due to the Chloride Salt of ? [SSC Exams 2015]

  1. Sodium
  2. Barium
  3. Calcium
  4. Strontium
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Q.23:- Iron rusts in the presence of ?

  1. O2 and N2
  2. O2 and Moisture
  3. Moisture only
  4. O2 only

Q.24:- Best quality steel is manufactured by using ?

  1. Crucible process
  2. Electrical process
  3. Bassemer’s process
  4. Simenes Martin’s Method

Q.25:- Lanthanides and actinides resemble in ?

  1. Oxidation state
  2. Ionization energy
  3. Formation of complexes
  4. Electron configuration