Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 12

Q.1:- The substrate of Photorespiration is ?

  1. Fructose
  2. Pyruvic Acid
  3. Glycolate
  4. Glucose

Q.2:- Beri-Beri is caused due to ?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D

Q.3:- Picric acid is a yellow coloured compound. Its chemical name is ?

  1. Trinitrobenzene
  2. 2, 4, 6 – Trinitrophenol
  3. Trinitrotoluene
  4. Trinitroaniline

Q.4:- Deficiency of which one of the following cause knock knee, bow legs and pigeon chest in children ?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B2
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin E

Q.5:- Main source of lead pollution is from ?

  1. Sewage
  2. Leaded Gasoline
  3. Tobacco
  4. Insecticides

Q.6:- Yeast is an important source of ?

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Protein
  3. Vitamin B
  4. Invertase

Q.7:- Which of the following is found in cod liver oil ?

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Vitamin A
  4. Vitamin B1

q.8:- Glucose is a type of ?

  1. Pentose Sugar
  2. Tetrose Sugar
  3. Hexose Sugar
  4. Diose Sugar

Q.9:- Vitamin B1 is known as ?

  1. Pyridoxine
  2. Thiamine
  3. Tocopheral
  4. Riboflavin
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Q.10:- Denatured spirit is mainly used as a ?

  1. Drug
  2. Good Fuel
  3. Material in preparing
  4. Solvent in preparing varnishes

Q.11:- Glucose and fructose are converted into C2H5OH in presence of ?

  1. Invertase
  2. Diastase
  3. Zymase
  4. Lipids

Q.12:- Which of the following acids is present in vinegar ?

  1. Hydrochloric Acid
  2. Acetic Acid
  3. Tartaric Acid
  4. Citric Acid

Q.13:- Tollen’s reagent is ?

  1. Alkaline mercuric chloride
  2. Alkaline potassium permanganate
  3. Ammonical Silver Nitrate
  4. Ammonium Citrate

Q.14:- Acetone is mixed with bleaching powder to give ?

  1. Chloroform
  2. Acetaldehyde
  3. Ethanol
  4. Phosgene

Q.15:- Which one is not metal ?

  1. Sulphur
  2. Sugar
  3. Nitrogen
  4. All of above

Q.16:- How many electrons are there in Na+ ?

  1. 1
  2. 10
  3. 11
  4. 12

Q.17:- The absolute value of charge on electron was determined by ?

  1. J. Thomson
  2. A. Millikan
  3. Rutherford
  4. Chadwick
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Q.18:- The constituent particle of a nucleus in an atom are ?

  1. Electron and Proton
  2. Proton and Neutron
  3. Electron and Neutron
  4. Electron, Proton and Neutron

Q.19:- Radioactive isotope of Hydrogen is ?

  1. Protium
  2. Deuter
  3. Tritium
  4. All of the above

Q.20:- A particle which is similar to electron is ?

  1. Positron
  2. Beta Particle
  3. Photon
  4. Mason

Q.21:- The first indication that a stable nucleus can be broken down was afforded by ?

  1. Rutherford
  2. Madam Curie
  3. Soddy
  4. Schmidt

Q.22:- The difference between a nuclear reactor and atomic bomb is that ?

  1. No chain reaction takes place in nuclear reactor while in the atomic bomb there is a chain reaction
  2. The chain reaction in nuclear reactor is controlled
  3. The chain reaction in nuclear reactor is not controlled
  4. No-chain reaction takes place in atomic bomb while it takes place in nuclear reactor
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Q.23:- Which one has linear structure ?

  1. NO2
  2. CO2
  3. SO2
  4. SiO2

Q.24:- Oxidation is defined as ?

  1. Loss of electrons
  2. Gain of electrons
  3. Gain of protons
  4. Loss of protons

Q.25:- The Oxidation state of Cr in [Cr(NH3)4)Cl2]+ is ?

  1. +3
  2. +2
  3. +1
  4. 0