Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 39

Q.1:- The coagulation of protein is called ?

  1. Dehydration
  2. Decay
  3. Deamination
  4. Denaturing

Q.2:- Deficiency of which one of the following causes Xerophthalmia ? [CDS Exam 2006]

  1. Vitamin B3
  2. Vitamin B12
  3. Vitamin A
  4. Vitamin C

Q.3:- Lead in water can cause ?

  1. Eye disease
  2. Arthritis
  3. Kidney damage
  4. Hair falling

Q.4:- Acid rain is caused due to emission of which of the following into the atmosphere ? [CDS Exams 2006]

  1. Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulphur
  2. Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide
  3. Ozone and Carbon Dioxide
  4. Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen

Q.5:- Physico-chemical characteristics of water in water sources undergo changes due to ? [IAS Exams 1996]

  1. Aquatic Macrophytes
  2. Aquatic Fungi
  3. Effluents
  4. Evapotranspiration

Q.6:- Is there is one million Mg2+ ions in MgCl2, how many Chloride ions are there ? [SSC (LDC) Exam 2015]

  1. Ten Million
  2. Half a Million
  3. Two Million
  4. One Million

Q.7:- Which one of the following laws explain the formation of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide from Carbon and Oxygen ?

  1. Law of conservation of mass
  2. Law of multiple proportion
  3. Law of reciprocal properties
  4. Law of definite proportions
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Q.8:- Which one of the following can be used to confirm whether drinking water contains a gamma emitting isotope or not ? [IAS Exam 1995]

  1. Microscope
  2. Lead Plate
  3. Scintillation
  4. Spectrophotometer

Q.9:- Cobalt-60 is commonly used in radiation therapy because it emits ? [IAS Exam 1999]

  1. Alpha Rays
  2. Beta Rays
  3. Gamma Rays
  4. X-Rays

Q.10:- The oxidation number of Fe in K4[Fe(CN6)] is ?

  1. +6
  2. +4
  3. +3
  4. +2

Q.11:- Alcoholic fermentation is brought about the action of ?

  1. Yeast
  2. CO2
  3. O2
  4. CO

Q.12:- Entropy change of a system and its surroundings in equilibrium ?

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains constant
  4. Either increases or decrease

Q.13:- An ideal fuel should have ?

  1. High calorific value
  2. Low ignition temperature
  3. Regulated and controlled
  4. All of the above
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Q.14:- Colligative properties of the solution depend upon ?

  1. Nature of solution
  2. Nature of solvent
  3. Number of solute particles
  4. Number of moles of solvent

Q.15:- Which of the following aqueous solutions will conduct an electric current quite well ?

  1. Glycerol
  2. HCl
  3. Sugar
  4. Pure Water

Q.16:- A conductivity cell is platinised ?

  1. To prolong its service
  2. To avoid temperature effect
  3. To avoid polarization effect
  4. None of the above

Q.17:- The adsorption of Hydrogen by palladium is called ?

  1. Hydrogenation
  2. Reduction
  3. Hydration
  4. Occlusion

Q.18:- A biological catalyst is essentially ?

  1. A carbohydrate
  2. An enzyme
  3. A nitrogen molecule
  4. An amino acid

Q.19:- A catalyst poison is essentially ?

  1. A inhibitor
  2. An auto catalyst
  3. A heterogeneous catalyst
  4. A homogeneous catalyst

Q.20:- Light scattering takes place in ?

  1. Electrolytic solutions
  2. Colloidal solutions
  3. Electro-dialysis
  4. Electroplating

Q.21:- When ore is heated generally in absence of air then process is called ?

  1. Calcination
  2. Roasting
  3. Smelting
  4. None of the above

Q.22:- What is the chemical name of the common salt ? [SSC 2014, BPSC Exam 2015]

  1. Calcium Carbonate
  2. Sodium Carbonate
  3. Sodium Chloride
  4. None of the above
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Q.23:- Soda ash is the name of ? [SSC (Stenographer) Exam 2014]

  1. Sodium Hydroxide
  2. Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate
  3. Sodium Bicarbonate
  4. Hydrated Sodium Carbonate

Q.24:- Which of the following do not react with water at all ? [CgPCS Exam 2016]

  1. Iron
  2. Lead
  3. Magnesium
  4. Aluminium
  5. None of the above

Q.25:- Potassium is extracted by the electrolysis of ?

  1. Fused KOH
  2. KBr
  3. KCl
  4. None of the above