Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 34

Q.1:- The enzymes are killed ?

  1. at a very high temperature
  2. during chemical reaction
  3. at low temperature
  4. under atmospheric pressure

Q.2:- A system which can exchange energy with the surroundings but no matter is called ?

  1. A heterogeneous system
  2. An open system
  3. A closed system
  4. An isolated system

Q.3:- The law of Lavoisier and Laplace illustrates ?

  1. The principle of conservation
  2. Equivalence of mechanical and thermal energy
  3. The principle of conservation of matter
  4. Equivalence of mechanical and chemical energy

Q.4:- Which Hydrocarbon is mainly present in Gobar Gas ?

  1. Butane
  2. Propane
  3. Methane
  4. Ethane

Q.5:- For which one of the following elements, the standard enthalpy is no zero ?

  1. C (Diamond)
  2. C (Graphic)
  3. Liquid Mercury
  4. Rhombic Sulphur

Q.6:- Which one of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution ? [IAS Exam 1995]

  1. Diesel
  2. Coal
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Kerosene
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Q.7:- Born-Haber cycle is used to determine ?

  1. Electronegativity
  2. Lattice Energy
  3. Both
  4. None of the above

Q.8:- The element that has the highest first ionization potential is ?

  1. Boron
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Oxygen
  4. Carbon

Q.9:- Number of elements in the second period of the periodic table is ? [SSC Exams 2014]

  1. Eighteen
  2. Eight
  3. Two
  4. Ten

Q.10:- Diagonal relationship is shown by ?

  1. Elements of 1st period
  2. Elements of 2nd period
  3. Elements of 3rd period
  4. None of the above

Q.11:- When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called ? [JSS Exams 2015]

  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Deposition
  4. Sublimation

Q.12:- Which of the following metals is not attacked by the environment ?

  1. Gold
  2. Copper
  3. Silver
  4. Iron

Q.13:- Difference between crystalloids and colloids is of ?

  1. Solubility
  2. Reactivity
  3. Size of particles
  4. None of these
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Q.14:- Galvanised Iron sheets have a coating of ?

  1. Zinc
  2. Chromium
  3. Tin
  4. Lead

Q.15:- The movement of colloidal particle is under the influence of electric field is called ?

  1. Electro-dialysis
  2. Electro-osmosis
  3. Electrolysis
  4. Electrophoresis

Q.16:- Which of the following is not a colloid ?

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Smoke
  3. Ruby Glass
  4. Milk

Q.17:- The process of separating of cream from milk is called ?

  1. Emulsification
  2. Demulsification
  3. Emulsions
  4. Electro-osmosis

Q.18:- The oil used in the flotation method for the purification of ores is ?

  1. Coconut oil
  2. Olive oil
  3. Pine oil
  4. None of the above

Q.19:- Plaster of Paris is made from ? [SSC Exams 2014]

  1. Marble
  2. Bauxite
  3. Limestone
  4. Gypsum

Q.20:- The compound of a metal found in nature is called ?

  1. Mineral
  2. Core
  3. Flux
  4. Slag

Q.21:- Tin and Lead can be refined by ?

  1. Poling
  2. Liquation
  3. Bassemerisation
  4. Cupellation
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Q.22:- A process of very slow regulated cooling is known as ?

  1. Annealing
  2. Diffusion
  3. Quenching
  4. Sedimentation

Q.23:- Which of the following are not concentrated by froth floatation method ?

  1. Copper Pyrite
  2. Pentlandite
  3. Pyrolusite
  4. Zinc Blende

Q.24:- The ore present in India in abundance is ?

  1. Monazite
  2. Magnetite
  3. Bauxite
  4. Fluorspar

Q.25:- The removal of gangue from the ore is collect ?

  1. Concentration
  2. Liquation
  3. Hand Picking
  4. Leaching