Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 21

Q.1:- Which of the following is a mixture ?

  1. Distilled water
  2. Gasoline
  3. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  4. Both (B) & (C)

Q.2:- The discovery of Neutron became very late because ?

  1. It is present in nucleus
  2. It is a fundamental particle
  3. It does not move
  4. It does not carry any charge

Q.3:- Atoms having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called ? [SSC Exams 2015]

  1. Isotopes
  2. Anions
  3. Higgs-Boson
  4. Cations

Q.4:- Nuclear particles responsible for holding all nucleons together are ?

  1. Electrons
  2. Neutrons
  3. Positron
  4. Mesons

Q.5:- The atoms of the elements having same atomic number but different mass number are called ?

  1. Isobar
  2. Iso-Electronic
  3. Isotopes
  4. Isotones

Q.6:- A device used for the measurement of radioactivity is ?

  1. Mass Spectrometer
  2. Cyclotron
  3. Nuclear Reactor
  4. M. Counter

Q.7:- The heaviest naturally occurring elements is ? [SSC Exams 2013]

  1. Thorium
  2. Uranium
  3. Mercury
  4. Polonium
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Q.8:- Doubled bond occurs in ?

  1. CH4
  2. C2H6
  3. C2H4
  4. C2H2

Q.9:- Which has covalent bond ?

  1. Na2S
  2. AlCl3
  3. NaH
  4. MgCl2

Q.10:- The conversion of Fe++ to Fe+++ is ? [NDA Exam 2004]

  1. Oxidation
  2. Reduction
  3. Ionisation
  4. Nuclear Reaction

Q.11:- Oxidation state of C in Oxalic Acid (H2C2O4) is ?

  1. +4
  2. +2
  3. +3
  4. +1

Q.12:- pH value of alkaline solutions is ?

  1. <7
  2. 7
  3. >7
  4. None of the above

Q.13:- Absolute zero is the temperature where all gases are expected to have ?

  1. Difference volumes
  2. Same volume
  3. Zero volume
  4. None of these

Q.14:- An ideal gas is one which obeys ?

  1. Gas laws
  2. Boyle’s laws
  3. Charle’s laws
  4. Avogadro’s law

Q.15:- Substance which alter the velocity of reaction themselves remaining chemically and quantitatively unchanged after reaction are known as ?

  1. Indicators
  2. Catalysts
  3. Adsorbates
  4. Surfactants

Q.16:- Which of the following is closed system ?

  1. Jet engine
  2. Tea placed in steel kettle
  3. Pressure cooker
  4. Rocket engine during propulsion
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Q.17:- During isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, its ?

  1. Internal Energy Increases
  2. Enthalpy Decreases
  3. Enthalpy Remains Unaffected
  4. Enthalpy Reduces to Zero

Q.18:- A mixture of Carbon Monoxide  and Hydrogen is ?

  1. Producer Gas
  2. Water Gas
  3. Natural Gas
  4. None of the above

Q.19:- A spontaneous change is one in which there is ? [SSC Exam 2013]

  1. Increase in free energy
  2. An increase in Internal energy
  3. A lowering of entropy
  4. A lowering of free energy

Q.20:- The calculation of electronegativities was first done by ?

  1. Slater
  2. Pauling
  3. Bohr
  4. Mulliken

Q.21:- Which of the following ions will form most water soluble hydroxide ?

  1. K+
  2. Ni++
  3. Zn++
  4. Al+++

Q.22:- Unit of molarity is known as ?

  1. Mol Lit-1
  2. Mole Kg-1
  3. Gram Equiv. Lit-1
  4. None of the above
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Q.23:- A solution which contains the maximum amount of the solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent a particular temperature is called ?

  1. Saturated Solution
  2. Unsaturated Solution
  3. Super Saturated Solution
  4. None of the above

Q.24:- In Electro-refining, the pure metal is deposited on ? [SSC Exams 2013]

  1. Cathode
  2. Anode
  3. Vessel
  4. Electrolyte

Q.25:- For which of the following cells, the standard cell voltage is zero ?

  1. Electrolytic cell
  2. Concentration cell
  3. Daniel cell
  4. Fuel cell