Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 38

Q.1:- Which of the following is not an ore of Boron ?

  1. Kernite
  2. Feldspar
  3. Colemanite
  4. Borax

Q.2:- Which of the following is used for making bullet-proof vests ?

  1. Boric Acid
  2. Borax
  3. Boron Carbide
  4. None of these

Q.3:- Which variety of glass is used for the manufacture of optical glasses ?

  1. Sodium Glass
  2. Flint Glass
  3. Ground Glass
  4. Quartz

Q.4:- Synthetic gas is a mixture of ?

  1. Steam and Carbon Monoxide
  2. Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen
  3. Hydrogen and Methane
  4. Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide

Q.5:- Red lead is ?

  1. PbO
  2. Pb2O
  3. Pb2O3
  4. Pb3O4

Q.6:- An important method for the fixation of Nitrogen is ?

  1. Haber’s Process
  2. Solvay’s Process
  3. Deacon’s Process
  4. Frusch’s Process

Q.7:- Oleum is ?

  1. Castor oil
  2. Oil of vitriol
  3. Fuming H2SO4
  4. None of these
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Q.8:- Which of the following is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity ?

  1. Phosphorus
  2. Antimony
  3. Bismuth
  4. Silicon

Q.9:- In laboratory, Sulphur Dioxide is prepared by ?

  1. FeS2 + O2
  2. S + O2
  3. FeS + H2SO4
  4. Cu + H2SO4

Q.10:- Which one of the following is a weakest acid ?

  1. HF
  2. HCl
  3. HBr
  4. HI

Q.11:- The mixture of noble gases is separated by ?

  1. Ramsay-Rayleigh’s first method
  2. Ramsay-Rayleigh’s second method
  3. Fisher and Ringe’s method
  4. Dewar’s coconut charcoal adsorption method

Q.12:- Who is called the father of chemistry ?

  1. Faraday
  2. Wohler
  3. Berzelius
  4. Lavoisier

Q.13:- Two immiscible liquids are separated by ?

  1. Separating funnel
  2. Fractional distillation
  3. Chromatography
  4. Sublimation

Q.14:- Nitrogen containing organic compound when fused with Sodium Metal forms ?

  1. NaNO2
  2. NaCN
  3. NaNH2
  4. NaNC
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Q.15:- Which type of isomerism is shown by diethyl ether and methyl propyl ether ?

  1. Chain
  2. Functional
  3. Metamerism
  4. Position

Q.16:- Domestic cooking gas consists of mostly ?

  1. Methane and Ethane
  2. Liquefied Butane and Iso-Butane
  3. Ethylene and Carbon Monoxide
  4. Hydrogen and Acetylene

Q.17:- Ozone in stratosphere is depleted by ? [SSC Exams 2014]

  1. C6F6
  2. CF2Cl2
  3. C7F16
  4. C6H6Cl6

Q.18:- The geometry of methane molecule is ?

  1. Tetrahedral
  2. Pyramidal
  3. Octahedral
  4. Square Planer

Q.19:- Wood Spirit is known as ?

  1. Ethanol
  2. Methanol
  3. Acetone
  4. Benzene

Q.20:- Methylated spirit is ?

  1. 100% Alcohol
  2. 6% Alcohol + 4.4% Water
  3. 90% Alcohol + 9% Methanol + Pyridine, Etc.
  4. Power Alcohol

Q.21:- Bees wax is ?

  1. Myricyl Palmitate
  2. Myricyl Stearate
  3. Myricyl Oleate
  4. Mixture of higher Hydrocarbon
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Q.22:- The reaction between acid and alcohol is known as ?

  1. Esterification
  2. Saponification
  3. Hydrolysis
  4. Hydrogenation

Q.23:- Tamarind contains ?

  1. Tartaric Acid
  2. Lactic Acid
  3. Citric Acid
  4. Succinic Acid

Q.24:- End of detergent have ?

  1. Ester Group
  2. Aldehyde
  3. Amine Group
  4. Sodium Sulphate

Q.25:- Enzymes are ? [SSC Exam 2013]

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Lipids
  3. Proteins
  4. None of the above