Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 9

Q.1:- Colloidal medicines are more effective because ?

  1. They are cheap
  2. They are easy to prepare
  3. The germs move towards them
  4. They are easily assimilated and adsorbed

Q.2:- The Brownian motion is due to ?

  1. Temperature fluctuation within the liquid phase
  2. Attraction and repulsion between charges on the colloidal particles
  3. Impact of the molecules of the dispersion medium on the colloidal particles
  4. Convection currents

Q.3:- In which of the following Tyndall effect is not observed ?

  1. Gold Sol
  2. Sugar Solution
  3. Emulsions
  4. Suspension

Q.4:- Colloidal solution commonly used in the treatment of eye disease is ?

  1. Colloidal silver
  2. Colloidal gold
  3. Colloidal antimony
  4. Colloidal sulphur

Q.5:- A naturally occurring substance from which a metal can be profitably extracted is called ?

  1. Mineral
  2. Gangue
  3. Ore
  4. Flux

Q.6:- Which of the following materials is very hard and very ductile ?

  1. Carborundum
  2. Tungsten
  3. Cast Iron
  4. Nichrome
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Q.7:- The use of heat treatment of ore that includes smelting and roasting is termed ?

  1. Electrometallurgy
  2. Cryometallurgy
  3. Hydrometallurgy
  4. Pyrometallurgy

Q.8:- The magnetic separation is used for increasing concentration of the following ?

  1. Horn Silver
  2. Calcite
  3. Haematite
  4. Magnesite

Q.9:- Chalcopyrite is an ore of ?

  1. Calcium
  2. Copper
  3. Magnesium
  4. Gallium

Q.10:- The process of ore dressing is carried out to ?

  1. Add flux to the mineral
  2. Convert the ore to oxide
  3. Removal of the siliceous materials
  4. Remove the poisonous impurities

Q.11:- The purification of Alumina is done by ?

  1. Baeyer’s Process
  2. Hoop’s Process
  3. Bosch Process
  4. Castner Process

Q.12:- Which of the following is most malleable ?

  1. Cu
  2. Ag
  3. Au
  4. None of the above is malleable

Q.13:-  The alum used for purifying water is ?

  1. Potash Alum
  2. Chrome Alum
  3. Ferric Alum
  4. Ammonium Alum
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Q.14:- Highly pure dilute solution of sodium in liquid ammonia ?

  1. Exhibits electrical neutrality
  2. Produces sodium amide
  3. Produces Hydrogen gas
  4. Shows blue colour

Q.15:- Bauxite is concentrated by ?

  1. Chemical Method
  2. Roasting
  3. From Floatation Process
  4. Magnetic Separation

Q.16:- The least stable oxide at room temperature is ?

  1. CuO
  2. Ag2O
  3. ZnO
  4. Sb2O3

Q.17:- The percentage of gold in 21.6 carat of gold is ?

  1. 80%
  2. 90%
  3. 6%
  4. 2%

Q.18:- Which of the following is obtained, when H2S is passed through the solution of Sodium Zincate ?

  1. Zn(OH)2
  2. ZnS
  3. Na2[Zn(OH)4]
  4. Zn(NO3)2

Q.19:- The compounds of alkaline earth metals possess which of the following magnetic nature ?

  1. Paramagnetic
  2. Diamagnetic
  3. Ferromagnetic
  4. Antiferromagnetic

Q.20:- Magnesium does not decompose in ?

  1. Hot water
  2. Steam
  3. Semi hot water
  4. Cold water
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Q.21:- Non ferromagnetic element is ?

  1. Fe
  2. Co
  3. Mn
  4. Ni

Q.22:- Mercury is transported in metal containers made of ?

  1. Lead
  2. Silver
  3. Aluminium
  4. Iron

Q.23:- The second series of transition elements starts with ?

  1. Scandium
  2. Ytterbium
  3. Rhodium
  4. Yttrium

Q.24:- Oils are purified by ?

  1. Fractional Distillation
  2. Steam Distillation
  3. Vacuum Distillation
  4. Simple Distillation

Q.25:- All bonds in Benzene are equal due to ?

  1. Isomerism
  2. Tautomerism
  3. Inductive Effect
  4. Resonance