Chemistry Solved Questions and Answers Set 30

Q.1:- Sulphur sol contains ?

  1. Discrete sulphur atoms
  2. Discrete sulphur molecules
  3. Large aggregates of sulphur molecules
  4. Water dispersed in solid sulphur

Q.2:- Soap helps in better cleaning of clothes because ? [SSC Exam 2015]

  1. It reduces the surface tension of solution
  2. It absorbs the dirt
  3. It gives strength to solution
  4. Soap acts like catalyst

Q.3:- Which one is an example of Miscelles System here ?

  1. Soap + Water
  2. Protein + Water
  3. Rubber + Benzene
  4. All of the above

Q.4:- Copper Pyrites (CuFeS2) are concentrated by ?

  1. Electromagnetic Method
  2. Gravity Method
  3. Froth Floatation Method
  4. All of the above

Q.5:- Ni is purified by ?

  1. Mond Process
  2. Zone Refining Process
  3. Nan – Arkel Process
  4. None of the above

Q.6:- In roasting ?

  1. No metal impurities are removed
  2. Ore becomes porous
  3. Moisture is removed
  4. All of the above

Q.7:- Electrolytic reduction method is used in extracting of ?

  1. Noble Metals
  2. Highly electropositive elements
  3. Highly electronegative elements
  4. Transition metals
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Q.8:- The process of sudden cooling is known as ?

  1. Annealing
  2. Diffusion
  3. Quenching
  4. Sedimentation

Q.9:- Duralumin is an alloy of ?

  1. Al and Mg
  2. Al and Ni
  3. Al, Mg and Ni
  4. Al, Mg, Ni and Cu

Q.10:- Silicon is the main constituent of ?

  1. Rocks
  2. Alloys
  3. Animals
  4. Plants

Q.11:- The chemical name of Baking Soda is ? [SSC CGL Exam 2014]

  1. Sodium Carbonate
  2. Sodium Bicarbonate
  3. Sodium Chloride
  4. Sodium Nitrate

Q.12:- Which one of the following does not form Amalgam ?

  1. Ag
  2. Cu
  3. Fe
  4. Zn

Q.13:- The mineral containing Titanium occurring in India is ?

  1. Bauxite
  2. Dolomite
  3. Chalcopyrite
  4. Illmenite

Q.14:- The most malleable of all the metals is ?

  1. Ag
  2. Au
  3. Na
  4. Pt

Q.15:- Silver containing lead as an impurity is removed by ?

  1. Polling
  2. Cupellation
  3. Lavigation
  4. Distillation
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Q.16:- In the reverberatory furnace ?

  1. The flames do not come in contact with the charge
  2. The flames come in contact with the charge
  3. Only hot gases come in contact with the charge
  4. None of the above

Q.17:- Purification of Aluminium by electrolyte refining is known as ?

  1. Hoope’s Process
  2. Serpeck’s Process
  3. Hall’s Process
  4. Baeyer’s Process

Q.18:- Lithium can react with water but cannot fuse in it due to ?

  1. High boiling point
  2. High melting point
  3. Low boiling point
  4. Low melting point

Q.19:- Heavy metals got their name because compared to other atoms they have ? [SSC CGL Exam 2015]

  1. Higher atomic number
  2. Higher atomic radii
  3. Higher atomic masses
  4. Higher densities

Q.20:- Calcium decomposes water and liberates ?

  1. H2
  2. O2
  3. CaO
  4. CaO2

Q.21:- Which of the following compounds of Zinc is white when cold and yellow when hot ?

  1. ZnS
  2. ZnCl2
  3. ZnSO4
  4. ZnO
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Q.22:- Which of the following is used in atomic reactors ?

  1. Fe
  2. Cd
  3. Ru
  4. Al

Q.23:- The highest oxidation state shown by any transition element is ?

  1. +8
  2. +7
  3. +6
  4. +5

Q.24:- The electronic configuration of Cu is ?

  1. 3d94s2
  2. 3d104s1
  3. 3d95s2
  4. 3d105s1

Q.25:- Mohr’s salt on oxidation with conc. HNO3 gives ?

  1. Ferric Alum
  2. Potash Alum
  3. Chrome Alum
  4. All of the above