Chemistry (General Science): All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 7

Q.1:- What is Zeolite ?

  1. Hydrated Aluminosilicate
  2. Hydrated Calcium Sulphate
  3. Dehydrated Aluminosilicate
  4. Dehydrated Calcium Sulphate

Q.2:- Which of the following is the main compound of voter ink ?

  1. Silver Nitrate
  2. Ammonium Chloride
  3. Silver Chloride
  4. Ammonium Nitrate

Q.3:- The chief constituent of natural gas is ?

  1. Methane
  2. Helium
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Propane

Q.4:- Even after sunset, the air near the Earth’s surface continue to receive heat due to ?

  1. Insolation
  2. Terrestrial Radiation
  3. Conduction
  4. Convection

Q.5:- The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which of the following ?

  1. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
  2. Isobutane and Propane
  3. Methane and Carbon Monoxide
  4. Methane and Carbon Dioxide

Q.6:- Nitrogen fixation is a process of ?

  1. Assimilation of Nitrate
  2. Utilisation of Nitrogen Gas
  3. Conversion of Organic Nitrogen to Proteins
  4. Conversion of Molecular Nitrogen to Ammonia

Q.7:- The antiparticle of an electron is ?

  1. Positron
  2. Proton
  3. Alpha Particles
  4. Beta Particles

Q.8:- Bridgmanite is ?

  1. A bridge on the river Thames
  2. Name of a game
  3. Earth’s most abundant mineral
  4. Name of a music

Q.9:- Formic Acid is produced by ?

  1. White ants
  2. Cockroaches
  3. Red Ants
  4. Mosquitoes

Q.10:- Which of the following is a natural polymer ?

  1. Bakelite
  2. Nylon
  3. Polythene
  4. Starch

Q.11:- Silica gel is a ?

  1. Moisturizer
  2. Flavouring Agent
  3. Drying Agent
  4. Delicious Food

Q.12:- Bees sting contains ?

  1. An acidic liquid
  2. A salt solution
  3. An alkaline liquid
  4. A corrosive liquid

Q.13:- Which one of the following does not contain silver ?

  1. Horn Silver
  2. Ruby Silver
  3. German Silver
  4. Lunar Caustic

Q.14:- Which is the purest commercial form of Iron ?

  1. Pig Iron
  2. Steel
  3. Stainless Steel
  4. Wrought Iron

Q.15:- Aluminium salt commonly used to stop bleeding is ?

  1. Aluminium Nitrate
  2. Aluminium Sulphate
  3. Aluminium Chloride
  4. Potash Alum

Q.16:- Carborundum is another name of ?

  1. Silicon Carbide
  2. Silicon Oxide
  3. Calcium Carbide
  4. Calcium Oxide

Q.17:- The chemical name of “Plaster of Paris” commonly used for setting broken bones is ?

  1. Calcium Nitrate
  2. Calcium Sulphate
  3. Calcium Carbonate
  4. Calcium Chloride

Q.18:- Acid Rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by ?

  1. Oxides of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
  2. Oxides of Carbon and Nitrogen
  3. Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulphur
  4. None of these

Q.19:- Which of the following appeared to be with a significant potential for accumulation through food chains ?

  1. DDT
  2. Parathion
  3. Lindane
  4. Carbary
READ ALSO:   Chemistry (General Science): All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 10

Q.20:- Ultra purification of a metal is done by ?

  1. Slugging
  2. Zone Melting
  3. Smelting
  4. Leaching

Q.21:- In galvanization, Iron is coated with ?

  1. Copper
  2. Zinc
  3. Tin
  4. Nickel

Q.22:- The gas used to extinguish fire is ?

  1. Neon
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Carbon Monoxide

Q.23:- The quality of petrol is expressed in terms of ?

  1. Cetane number
  2. Gold number
  3. Octane number
  4. Added unlead compounds

Q.24:- An example of Heterocyclic compound is ?

  1. Naphthalene
  2. Furan
  3. Benzene
  4. Anthracene

Q.25:- Nylon is made up of ?

  1. Polyamide
  2. Polyester
  3. Polyethylene
  4. Polypropylene