Chemistry (General Science): All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 12

Q.1:- Which type of radiations are absorbed by the upper layer of the atmosphere ?

  1. Radio-waves
  2. Infrared
  3. Visible
  4. Ultraviolet

Q.2:- Which one of the following is found in kidney stones ?

  1. Sodium Oxalate
  2. Calcium Oxalate
  3. Sodium Chloride
  4. Calcium Acetate

Q.3:- The ratio of pure gold in 18 carat gold is ?

  1. 100%
  2. 80%
  3. 75%
  4. 60%

Q.4:- Stainless steel is usually made by alloying the steel with ?

  1. Copper and Nickel
  2. Copper and Chromium
  3. Chromium and Nickel
  4. Manganese and Copper

Q.5:- The BOD values of water indicate the ?

  1. Amount of organic debris
  2. Amount of Oxygen used for biochemical oxidation
  3. Amount of Oxygen used for biochemical reduction
  4. Amount of ozone used for biochemical oxidation

Q.6:- Which of the inert gases can form compounds ?

  1. Helium
  2. Xenon
  3. Krypton
  4. Argon

Q.7:- The chemical behaviour of an atom depends upon ?

  1. The number of protons in its nucleus
  2. The number of neutrons in the nucleus
  3. The number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus
  4. The number of nucleons in the nucleus

Q.8:- The element with highest first ionisation energy is ?

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Helium
  3. Lithium
  4. Sodium

Q.9:- Seaweeds are important source of ?

  1. Fluorine
  2. Chlorine
  3. Bromine
  4. Iodine

Q.10:- ‘Aerosol’ is ?

  1. Suspended solid particles in air
  2. Pollutant gas, present in air
  3. Microbes present in air
  4. Greenhouse gas present in air

Q.11:- Radioactive elements emit ?

  1. Radiowaves
  2. Infrared waves
  3. Ultraviolet waves
  4. Alpha, Beta and Gama Radiations

Q.12:- The unit to measure the flow of water is ?

  1. Micro Mho
  2. Ohm Meter
  3. Millie Curie
  4. Cusecs

Q.13:- Brass is an alloy of ?

  1. Cu, Al and Zn
  2. Cu and Sn
  3. Cu and Zn
  4. Al and Mg

Q.14:- ‘Atomic Theory’ of matter was given by ?

  1. Avogadro
  2. Dalton
  3. Newton
  4. Pascal

Q.15:- A thick paste of cement, sand and water is called ?

  1. Concrete
  2. C.C.
  3. Mortar
  4. Kiln

Q.16:- Iron rusts quickly in ?

  1. Rain water
  2. Sea water
  3. Distilled water
  4. River water

Q.17:- The metal used for making air crafts and rockets is ?

  1. Lead
  2. Aluminium
  3. Nickel
  4. Copper

Q.18:- Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas ?

  1. Water Vapour
  2. O2
  3. O3
  4. CO2

Q.19:- The chemical name of “Hypo” commonly used in photography is ?

  1. Sodium Thiosulphate
  2. Silver Nitrate
  3. Sodium Nitrate
  4. Silver Iodidte
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Q.20:- What happens when a drop of glycerol is added to crushed KMnO4 spread on a paper ?

  1. There is a crackling sound
  2. There is a violent explosion
  3. There is no reaction
  4. The paper ignites

Q.21:- The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is ?

  1. Nanometre
  2. Fermi
  3. Angstrom
  4. Micron

Q.22:- Which of the following chemicals is responsible for depletion of Ozone Layer in the atmosphere ?

  1. Chlorofluorocarbons
  2. Nitrous Oxide
  3. Sulphur Dioxide
  4. Carbon Dioxide

Q.23:- Dry Ice is the solid form of ?

  1. Air
  2. Carbon Dioxide
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Water

Q.24:- Which of the following does the Nucleus of an atom consist of ?

  1. Protons and Neutrons
  2. Protons and Electrons
  3. Electrons
  4. Protons

Q.25:- Nitrification is the biological process of converting ?

  1. N2 into Nitrate
  2. N2 into Nitrite
  3. Ammonia into Nitrite
  4. Ammonia into N2