Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part – 4 ( Q – Z )

Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part - 4 Q to z Entranciology
  1. Quinology : Study of quinine
  2. Radiology : The study of X-Rays and their medical application
  3. Reflexology : The study of reflexes
  4. Rheology : The science of deformation and flow of matter
  5. Rheumatology : The study of rheumatism
  6. Rhinology : The study of nose
  7. Sarcology : The study of fleshy parts of the body
  8. Sedimentology : The study of sediment
  9. Seismology : The study of earthquakes
  10. Selenology : The study of moon
  11. Serology : The study of serum
  12. Silvics : The study of tree’s life
  13. Sociobiology : The study of biological basis of human behaviour
  14. Sociology : The study of society
  15. Somatology : The study of physiological and anatomical characteristics of the human body
  16. Stomatology : The study of mouth & its diseases
  17. Stratigraphy : The study of geological layers or strata
  18. Stylometry : The study of linguistic style in literature by means of statistical analysis
  19. Symptomatology : The study of symptoms of illness
  20. Synecology : The study of ecological communities & their environments
  21. Synectics : The study of processes of invention
  22. Systematology : The study of systems or their formation
  23. Taxidermy : The art of curing and stuffing animals
  24. Tectonics : The science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms
  25. Teuthology : The study cephalopods
  26. Thalassography : The science of the sea
  27. Theriatrics : The study of veterinary medicine
  28. Thermmatology : The science of breeding domestic animals and plants
  29. Thermodynamics : The study of relation of heat to motion
  30. Thermology : The study of heat
  31. Therology : The study of wild mammals
  32. Threpsology : The science of nutrition
  33. Tidology : The study of tides
  34. Tocology : The science of obstetrics
  35. Topology : The study of geometric surface
  36. Toreutics : The study of artistic work in metal
  37. Toxicology : The study of poisons
  38. Traumatology : The study of wounds and their effects
  39. Trichology : The study of hair and its disorders
  40. Typhology : The study of causes & treatment of blindness
  41. Ufology : The study of unidentified flying objects
  42. Uranology : The study of celestial bodies & universe
  43. Urology : The study of urinary system & its disorder
  44. Venereology : The study of venereal disease
  45. Vermeology : The study of worms
  46. Vinology : The scientific study of wines and wine making
  47. Virology : The study of viruses
  48. Vitrics : The study of glassy material
  49. Volcanology : The study of volcanoes
  50. Xylography : The art of engraving on wood
  51. Xylology : The study of wood
  52. Zenography : The study of planet Jupiter
  53. Zoiatrics : The study of veterinary surgery
  54. Zooarchaeology : The study of animal remains at archaeological sites
  55. Zoochemistry : The study of chemistry of animals
  56. Zoogeography : The study of geo-distribution of animals
  57. Zoogeology : The study of fossil animal remains
  58. Zoology : The study of animals
  59. Zoonomy : The study of animal physiology
  60. Zoopathology : The study of animal carcasses
  61. Zoophysics : The study of physics of animal bodies
  62. Zoophysiology : The study of physiology of animals
  63. Zoophytology : The study of plant like animals
  64. Zoosemiotics : The study of animals communication
  65. Zootaxy : The science of classifying animals
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