Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part – 3 ( N – P )

Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part - 3 N - P Entranciology
  1. Nasology : The study of nose
  2. Nautics : The art of navigation
  3. Nematology : The study of nematodes
  4. Neonatology : The study of newborn babies
  5. Nephology : The study of clouds
  6. Nephrology : The study of kidneys
  7. Neurobiology : The study of anatomy of nervous system
  8. Neurology : The study of nervous system
  9. Neuropharmacology : The study of action of drugs on the nervous system
  10. Neurophysiology : The study of physiology of the nervous system
  11. Neuropscychology : The study of relation between brain and human behaviour
  12. Neurypnology : The study of hypnotism
  13. Nidology : The study of nests
  14. Noology : The science of intuition
  15. Nosology : The study of diseases
  16. Nostology : The study of senility
  17. Numerology : The study of numbers
  18. Obstetrics : The study of midwifery
  19. Obstetrics : The study of newborn babies
  20. Oceanography : The study of oceans
  21. Odontology : The study of teeth
  22. Olfactology : The study of the sense of smell
  23. Ombrology : The study of rain
  24. Oncology : The study of tumours
  25. Ontology : The science of pure being; the nature of things
  26. Oology : The study of eggs
  27. Ophiology : The study of snakes
  28. Ophthalmology : The study of eyes diseases
  29. Optics : The study of light
  30. Optology : The study of sight
  31. Optometry : The science of examining the eyes
  32. Ornithology : The study of birds
  33. Orology : The study of mountains
  34. Osmology : The study of smells and olfactory processes
  35. Osteology : The study of bones
  36. Otology : The study of the ear
  37. Otorhinolaringology : The study of ear, nose and throat
  38. Paediatrics : The study of children’s diseases
  39. Palaeoanthropology : The study of early humans
  40. Palaeobiology : The study of fossil plants and animals
  41. Palaeobotany : The study of ancient plants
  42. Palaeoclimatology : The study of ancient climate
  43. Palaeolimnology : The study of ancient lakes or fish
  44. Palaeontology : The study of fossils
  45. Palaeo-osteology : The study of pre-historic bones
  46. Palaeopedology : The study of early soils
  47. Palynology : The study of live & fossil spores & pollen
  48. Pamology : The study of fruit-growing
  49. Parapsychology : The study of unexplained mental phenomenon
  50. Parasitology : The study of parasites
  51. Pathology : The study of disease
  52. Pedology : The study of soils
  53. Penology : The study of crime and punishment
  54. Periodontics : The study of gums
  55. Pestology : The science of pests
  56. Petrology : The study of rocks
  57. Pharmacology : The study of drugs
  58. Pharyngology : The study of throat
  59. Phenology : The study of organisms as affected by climate
  60. Phenomenology : The study of phenomena
  61. Phoniatrics : The study and correction of speech defects
  62. Phonology : The study of speech sounds
  63. Photobiology : The study of of effects of light on organism
  64. Phrenology : The study of bumps on the head
  65. Phycology : The study of algae and seaweeds
  66. Physics : The study of properties of matter and energy
  67. Physiology : The study of processes of life
  68. Phytology : The study of plants
  69. Piscatology : The study of fishes
  70. Planetology : The study of planets
  71. Pneumatics : The study of mechanics of gases
  72. Podiatry : The study and treatment of disorders of the foot
  73. Posology : The science of quantity or dosage
  74. Potamology : The study of rivers
  75. Primatology : The study of primates
  76. Proctology : The study of rectum
  77. Psephology : The study of election results and voting trends
  78. Pseudoptics : The study of optical illusions
  79. Psychobiology : The study of biology of the mind
  80. Psychogenetics : The study of internal or mental states
  81. Psychogenetics : The study of optical illusions
  82. Psychognosy : The study of mentality, personality of the character
  83. Psychology : The study of mind
  84. Psychopathology : The study of mental illness
  85. Psychophysics : The study of link between mental and physical process
  86. Pteridology : The study of ferns
  87. Pterylology : The study of distribution of feathers on birds
  88. Pyretology : The study of fevers
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