Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part – 2 ( F – M )

branches of science alphabetical order part 2 f to m entranciology for civil services exams competitive examination
  1. Fluviology : The Study of water courses
  2. Gastroenterology : The study of stomach
  3. Genesiology : The study of reproduction and heredity
  4. Geochronology : The study of measuring geological time
  5. Geology : The study of earth’s crust
  6. Glaciology : The study of ice ages and glaciations
  7. Graminology : The study of grasses
  8. Gynaecology : The study of women’s physiology
  9. Haematology : The study of blood chemistry
  10. Heliology : The science of the sun
  11. Helioseismology : The study of sun’s interior by observing its surface oscillations
  12. Helminthology : The study of parasitic worms
  13. Hepatology : The study of liver
  14. Herpetology : The study of reptiles and amphibians
  15. Histology : The study of tissue of organisms
  16. Histopathology : The study of changes in tissue due to diseases
  17. Hormonology : The study of hormones
  18. Horology : The science of time measurement
  19. Hydrobiology : The study of aquatic organisms
  20. Hydrogeology : The study of ground water & its effects
  21. Hydrology : The study of water resources
  22. Hydrometerology : The study of atmospheric moisture
  23. Hyetology : The science of rainfall
  24. Hygrology : The study of humidity
  25. Hypnology : The study of sleep or hypnosis
  26. Lamatology : The study of remedies
  27. Ichnology : The science of fossilised footprints
  28. Ichthyology : The study of fish
  29. Ideology : The science of ideas
  30. Immunology : The study of bodies immune system
  31. Immunopathology : The study of immunity to disease
  32. Insectology : The study of insects
  33. Iridology : The study of the iris & its diseases
  34. Karyology : The study of cell nuclei & chromosomes
  35. Kinesiology : The study of interrelationship of the physiological processes and anatomy of the human body with respect to movement
  36. Koniology : The study of atmospheric pollutants and dust & its effect on plants & animals
  37. Kymatology : The study of wave motion of fluids
  38. Lepidopterology : The study of butterflies and moths
  39. Lichenology : The study of lichens
  40. Limnobiology : The study of freshwater ecosystem
  41. Lithology : The study of rocks
  42. Malacology : The study of molluscs
  43. Mastology : The study of mammals
  44. Mereology : The study of the relations between parts & wholes
  45. Metapschycology : The study of nature of mind
  46. Meterology : The study of weather
  47. Metrology : The science of weights and measures
  48. Microbiology : The study of microscopic organisms
  49. Microclimatology : The study of local climate
  50. Microphytology : The study of very small plant life
  51. Mineralogy : The study of minerals
  52. Molinology : The study of mills and other mechanical devices which use natural kinetic energy like wind, water for power
  53. Morphology : The study of forms and structures
  54. Muscology : The study of mosses
  55. Mycology : The study of fungus
  56. Myology : The study of muscles
  57. Myrmecology : The study of ants
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