Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part – 1 ( A – E )

branches of science entranciology

Branches of Science with Definition in Alphabetical Order Part – 1 ( A – E )


S. No. Branch Definition
1 Aceology The study of therapeutics
2 Acoustics The science of sound
3 Actinology The study of the chemical effects of light
4 Adenology The study of glands
5 Aerodynamics The study of dynamics of gases
6 Aerology The study of atmosphere
7 Aeronautics The study of navigation in air or space
8 Aerostatics The science of air pressure
9 Agmatology The study of fractures
10 Agrobiology The study of plant nutrition or soil yields
11 Agroclimatology The study of agriculture meteorology
12 Agroecology The study of sustainable farming systems
13 Agrogeology The study of geology applied to agriculture needs
14 Agrology The study of agricultural soils
15 Agronomics The study of productivity of land
16 Algology The study of algae
17 Amphibiology The study of amphibian
18 Anaesthesiology The study of anaesthetics
19 Anatomy The study of the internal structure of the body
20 Anemology The study of winds
21 Angiology The study of blood vessels & lymphatics
22 Angiopathology The study of diseases blood vessels
23 Anthropobiology The study of human biological relationships
24 Anthropology The study of humankind
25 Anthroposociology The study of the human races
26 Anthrozoology The study of animal and human relationships
27 Aphasiology The study of speech disorders
28 Apiology The study of bees
29 Arachnology The study of spiders
30 Archaeology The study of excavated artefacts
31 Areology The study of Mars
32 Arthrology The study of joints
33 Asthenology The study of diseases arising from debility
34 Astrolithology The study of meteorites
35 Astronomy The study of celestial bodies
36 Astrophysics The study of behavior of interstellar matter
37 Astroseismology The study of star oscillations
38 Atmology The science laws and phenomena of aqueous vapour
39 Audiology The study of hearing
40 Auxology The study of human physical growth
41 Avionics The science of electronic devices for aircraft
42 Bacteriology The study of bacteria
43 Balneology The science of therapeutic use of baths
44 Barology The science of weight or gravity
45 Biology The study of life
46 Biometrics The study of biological measurements
47 Bionomics The study of organisms interacting in their environments
48 Botany The study of plants
49 Bromatology The study of food
50 Brontology The scientific study of thunder
51 Bryology The study of mosses
52 Caliology The study of bird’s nest
53 Carcinology The study of crabs and other crustaceans
54 Cardiology The study of heart
55 Carpology The study of fruit
56 Cartography The science of making maps and globes
57 Catacoustics The science of echoes or reflected sounds
58 Cetology The study of whales and dolphins
59 Chaology The study of chaos or chaos theory
60 Chemistry The study of properties of substances
61 Chirology The medical science of feet
62 Chorology The study of spatial distribution of organisms within a particular geographical region
63 Chronobiology The study of biological rhythm & cyclical phenomena
64 Chronometry The science of accurate time measurement
65 Climatology The study of climate
66 Cometology The study of of comets
67 Conchology The study of shells
68 Cosmetology The study of cosmetics
69 Cosmology The study of the universe
70 Craniology The study of the skull
71 Criminology The study of crime and criminals
72 Cryobiology The study of organisms, tissues etc at temperatures below which they normally function
73 Cryogenics The study of life under cold conditions
74 Cryptology The study of codes
75 Cybernetics Study of communications & automatic control systems
76 Cynology The scientific study of dogs
77 Cytology The study of living cells
78 Cytopathology The study of diseases of cells
79 Dactylography The study of fingerprints
80 Demology The study of human behavior
81 Dendrochronology The science of dating environmental variations by means of the comparative study of the growth rings in trees
82 Dendrology The study of trees
83 Dermatology The study of skin related disease
84 Desmology The study of ligaments & sinews
85 Dioptrics The study of light refraction
86 Diplomatics The science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
87 Dysgenics The study of operation of factors that cause degeneration in offspring
88 Eccrinology The study of glands excretion and secretion
89 Ecology The study of environment
90 Economics The study of material wealth
91 Edaphology The study of influence of soils on living things
92 Electrochemistry The study of relationship between electricity and chemicals
93 Electrology The study of electricity
94 Electrostatics The study of static electricity
95 Embryology The study of embryos
96 Emetology The study of vomiting
97 Endemiology The study of endemic diseases
98 Endocrinology The study of glands
99 Entomology The study of insects
100 Entozoology The study of parasites that live inside other organisms
101 Enzymology The study of enzymes
102 Ephebiatrics The branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
103 Epidemiology The study of diseases; epidemics
104 Epileptology The study of epilepsy
105 Epistemology The study of grounds of knowledge
106 Eremology The study of deserts
107 Ergonomics The study of the efficiency of people in the workplace
108 Eschatology The study of death
109 Ethnogeny The study of origin of races or ethnic groups
110 Ethnology The study of cultures
111 Ethology The study of animal behavior with emphasis on the behavioural patterns that occur in natural environments
112 Etiology The study of causes of diseases
113 Euthenics The science concerned with improving living conditions
114 Exobiology The study of causes of extraterrestrial life
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