Biology Selected Questions and Answers Set 20

Q.1:- Number of Mitochondria in bacterial cell is ? [SSC (10+2) Exam 2014]

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Many
  4. Zero

Q.2:- A plant cell differ from animal in having ? [SSC Exam 2003]

  1. Chloroplast
  2. Cell Wall
  3. Cell Membrane
  4. Nucleus

Q.3:- The enzymes which take part in glycolysis during respiration are found in ? [MTS Exam 2014]

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Endoplasmic Reticulum
  3. Vacuole
  4. Cytoplasm

Q.4:- In biology, water soluble substances as referred to ? [SSC Exam 2013]

  1. Hydrophilic
  2. Hydrokinetic
  3. Hydrodynamic
  4. Hydrophobic

Q.5:- Function of Lysosome is ?

  1. Protein Synthesis
  2. Processing and Packaging
  3. Intracellular Digestion
  4. Synthesis of Fat

Q.6:- Nucleus was discovered by ?

  1. Robert Brown
  2. Leeuwenhoek
  3. Robert Hooke
  4. Schleiden and Schwann

Q.7:- Tissue which form protective layer of body ?

  1. Epithelium Tissue
  2. Muscular Tissue
  3. Connective Tissue
  4. None of the above

Q.8:- Lung is covered by a membrane called ?

  1. Pericardium
  2. Pleura
  3. Peritoneum
  4. Serosa

Q.9:- Urinary Bladder is lined with ?

  1. Simple Epithelium
  2. Stratified Epithelium
  3. Transitional Epithelium
  4. Pseudo-stratified Epithelium
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Q.10:- A small pouch containing silica gel is often found in bottles of medicine in tablet or powder form because silica gel ?

  1. Kill Bacteria
  2. Kill Germs and Spores
  3. Absorb Moisture
  4. Absorbs all gas present inside the bottle

Q.11:- Beside protein and carbohydrate other element of nutritional value found in milk, include ? [IAS (Pre) Exam 1996]

  1. Calcium, Potassium and Iron
  2. Calcium & Potassium
  3. Potassium & Iron
  4. Calcium & Iron

Q.12:- Which of the following disease is not caused by viruses ? [CDS Exam 2009]

  1. Cholera
  2. Chickenpox
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Measles

Q.13:- Bird Flu is a disease that affects human beings and spreads through ? [MTS Exam 2014]

  1. Sheep
  2. Poultry
  3. Silkworm
  4. Mealworm

Q.14:- The normal blood pressure of human beings is in the range of ? [MTS Exam 2014]

  1. 110/75 mm
  2. 140/80 mm
  3. 120/80 mm
  4. 110/70 mm
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Q.15:- Which one of the following disease is caused due to presence of excess arsenic in water ? [CDS Exam 2007]

  1. Alzheimer Disease
  2. Parkinson’s Disease
  3. Skin Cancer
  4. Indigestion

Q.16:- Where is the national institute of nutrition located ? [CDS Exam 2008]

  1. Bengaluru
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Mysore
  4. Pune

Q.17:- Which one of the following disease is caused through the wound or injury or surface of unsterilized surgical instruments ? [CDS Exam 2006]

  1. Kala Azar
  2. Chancroid
  3. Diphtheria
  4. Tetanus

Q.18:- Which one of the following disease is caused by bacteria ? [NDA Exam 2008]

  1. Chicken Pox
  2. Poliomyelitis
  3. Influenza
  4. Tuberculosis

Q.19:- Malfunction of which organ causes diabetes ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Kidney
  4. Heart

Q.20:- Which one of the following glands in human body enlarged due to goitre ? [NDA Exam 2008]

  1. Adrenal Cortex
  2. Adrenal Medulla
  3. Pituitary
  4. Thyroid

Q.21:- Virus of Bird Flu is also known as ? [RRB Allahabad / ASM Exam 2009]

  1. NH51
  2. NH15
  3. N5H1
  4. H5N1
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Q.22:- Vitamin A is mainly stored in ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Lungs
  2. Kidney
  3. Breast
  4. Liver

Q.23:- ELISA test is caused to detect ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Cancer
  2. B.
  3. Polio Virus
  4. AIDS

Q.24:- Word gene was given by ? [SSC (LDC) Exam 2015]

  1. Morgan
  2. Mendel
  3. Johansen
  4. Bridge

Q.25:- Double Helix Model of DNA is given by ? [RRB Exam 2005]

  1. Leeuwenhoek
  2. Salach
  3. Watson and Crick
  4. Dalton