Biology Selected Questions and Answers Set 8


Q.1:- Which of the following are initiator codons ?

  1. UUU and UUC
  2. UGA and UAG
  3. AUG and GUG
  4. UAA and UAG

Ans:- (c) AUG and GUG

Q.2:- What is the exchange of segments between non-homologous chromosome called ?

  1. Deletion
  2. Transfer
  3. Translocation
  4. Frameshift

Ans:- (c) Translocation

Q.3:- Which of the following enzymes joins DNA fragments ?

  1. Lipase
  2. Ligase
  3. Restriction Endonuclease
  4. Peroxidase

Ans:- (b) Ligase

Q.4:- Which instrument is utilized to measure blood pressure ?

  1. Stethoscope
  2. Electrocardiogram
  3. Phonocardiogram
  4. Sygmomanometer

Ans:- (d) Sygmomanometer


Q.5:- Which of the following causes AIDS ?

  1. Rubella Virus
  2. Varicella Virus
  3. Corynebacterium Diptheriae
  4. HIV

Ans:- (d) HIV

Q.6:- Which of the following enzymes joins DNA fragments ?

  1. Lipase
  2. Ligase
  3. Restriction Endonuclease
  4. Peroxidase

Ans:- (b) Ligase

Q.7:- What is the process to employ artificial arteries called ?

  1. Bud Graft
  2. Crown Graft
  3. Vascular Graft
  4. None

Ans:- (c) Vascular Graft

Q.8:- What does the P wave of ECG depicts ?

  1. Atrial Contraction
  2. Ventricular Contraction
  3. Heart Block
  4. Heart Failure

Ans:- (a) Atrial Contraction

Q.9:- If mutation occurs in sex chromosomes what is it called ?

  1. Interference
  2. Lethal Mutation
  3. Germinal Mutation
  4. Autosomal Mutation

Ans:- (c) Germinal Mutation

Q.10:- Which nerve carries the taste sensation to the brain ?

  1. Glossopharangeal
  2. Accessory Spinal
  3. Vagus
  4. Hypoglossal

Ans:- (a) Glossopharangeal

Q.11:- The simple single muscular contraction caused by a single short stimulus is better called ?

  1. Tendon
  2. Refractory Period
  3. Twitch
  4. Tetanus

Ans:- (c) Twitch

Q.12:- Which of the following helps in conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin during blood coagulation ?

  1. Hirudin
  2. Thromboplastin
  3. Thrombin
  4. All

Ans:- (c) Thrombin

Q.13:- Phrenic Artery is only characteristic to mammals supplying blood to which of the following ?

  1. Ribs
  2. Intercostals Muscles
  3. Diaphragm
  4. All
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Ans:- (c) Diaphragm

Q.14:- Overstretching of ligament is also called ?

  1. Tension
  2. Dislocation
  3. Sprain
  4. Fracture

Ans:- (c) Sprain

Q.15:- Which of the following cranial nerve of man is both sensory and motor ?

  1. Auditory
  2. Olfactory
  3. Optic
  4. Trigeminal

Ans:- (d) Trigeminal

Q.16:- What is the synthesis of m-RNA by DNA called ?

  1. Translocation
  2. Translation
  3. Transcription
  4. Chain Termination

Ans:- (c) Transcription

Q.17:- Where is the artificial pacemaker placed ?

  1. In the wall of the left atrium
  2. In the wall of the right atrium
  3. On the interauricular septim
  4. On the interventricular septum

Ans:- (b) In the wall of the right atrium

Q.18:- Which of the following best describes mumps ?

  1. Bacterial Disease
  2. Fungal Disease
  3. Viral Disease
  4. Protozoal Disease

Ans:- (c) Viral disease

Q.19:- Where is the piezo-electric effect used ?

  1. NMR
  2. PET
  3. Sonography
  4. All

Ans:- (c) Sonography

Q.20:- Which of the following laws of genetics have been proved to be true in all cases ?

  1. Law of independent assortment
  2. Law of segregation
  3. Law of dominance
  4. All of the Above

Ans:- (b) Law of Segregation

Q.21:- Which of the following is correct for tetrasomic aneuploids ?

  1. 2n + 2 +2
  2. 2n – 1 – 1
  3. 2n + 2
  4. 2n – 1

Ans:- (c) 2n + 2

Q.22:- Which cell cannot divide following the birth in human ?

  1. Erythroblasts
  2. Osteoblasts
  3. Muscle Cells
  4. Nerve Cells

Ans:- (d) Nerve Cells

Q.23:- Aqueous humour is secreted by which part of the eye ?

  1. Choroid
  2. Retina
  3. Ciliary Body
  4. Lacrymal Gland
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Ans:- (c) Ciliary Body

Q.24:- Which part of the brain controls vision, touch, hearing, motion and memory ?

  1. Cerebellum
  2. Cerebrum
  3. Medulla Oblongata
  4. All of the Above

Ans:- (b) Cerebrum

Q.25:- What do the tendons connect ?

  1. Muscle to Muscle
  2. Bone to Bone
  3. Muscle to Bone
  4. Cartilage to Muscle

Ans:- (c) Muscle to Bone