Biology Selected Questions and Answers Set 16

Q.1:- Heart of fishes pump ?

  1. Only pure blood
  2. Only impure blood
  3. Pure and impure blood
  4. There is no blood

Q.2:- Cuttle fish is known as ?

  1. Loligo
  2. Sepia
  3. Pila
  4. Torpedo

Q.3:- The disease filarial is caused by ?

  1. Ascaris
  2. Wuchereria bancrafti
  3. Plasmodium
  4. Tania sodium

Q.4:- Tape worm comes under phylum ?

  1. Annelida
  2. Amphibia
  3. Mollusca
  4. Platyhelminthes

Q.5:- Which of the following is also known as green protozoa ?

  1. Amoeba
  2. Paramecium
  3. Leshmania
  4. Euglena

Q.6:- Study of nose and Olfactory organ is called ?

  1. Radiology
  2. Rhinology
  3. Radiography
  4. None of these

Q.7:- Making interesting discoveries unexpectedly or by accident ?

  1. Serendipity
  2. Seridity
  3. Sericulture
  4. None of the these

Q.8:- Self-pollination will lead to ?

  1. Overbreeding
  2. Outbreeding
  3. Inbreeding
  4. Rare Breeding

Q.9:- Fruit ripening is accelerated by ?

  1. Warm surroundings
  2. Increased Nitrogen supply
  3. Reduced water supply
  4. Ethylene rich atmosphere

Q.10:- A chemical believed to be involved in flowering is ?

  1. Gibberelin
  2. Kinetin
  3. Florigen
  4. IBA

Q.11:- Growth movement in plant due to light is called ?

  1. Geotropism
  2. Phototropism
  3. Hydrotropism
  4. Thigmotropism

Q.12:- The instrument by which rate of growth of plant is measured ?

  1. Hydrometer
  2. Auxanometer
  3. Osmometer
  4. Potometer

Q.13:- Which one of the following type of microorganism is most widely used in industries ?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Bacteria and fungi
  3. Bacteria and algae
  4. Bacteria, microalgae and fungi

Q.14:- Refrigeration is a process in which ?

  1. Bacteria are destroyed
  2. Growth of bacteria reduced
  3. Bacteria become inactive
  4. Cytoplasm of bacteria contract
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Q.15:- Plant which bear naked seed are grouped under ?

  1. Angiosperm
  2. Gymnosperm
  3. Pteridophyta
  4. Bryophyta

Q.16:- HIV often changes its h spae due to the presence of an enzyme is called ?

  1. Reverse Transcriptase
  2. Enterokinase
  3. Nucleotidase
  4. Nucleoditase

Q.17:- Bacteria cannot survive in a highly salted picked because ?

  1. Bacteria get plasmolysed and are consequently killed
  2. Salt inhibits reproduction
  3. The pickle does not contain nutrient necessary for bacteria to survive
  4. Bacteria do not get enough light for photosynthesis

Q.18:- Virus which contain RNA are genetic material ?

  1. Reovirus
  2. Reterovirus
  3. Ribo Virus
  4. All

Q.19:- Viruses that infect bacteria are called ?

  1. Bacteriophages
  2. Basophils
  3. Basal Body
  4. Basidiospores

Q.20:- Which one of the following fungi is commonly known as ‘bread mould’ ?

  1. Synchytrium
  2. Rhizopus
  3. Aspergillus
  4. Penicillium

Q.21:- Bacteria was discovered first  by ?

  1. Leeuwenhook
  2. Robert Hook
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Robert Koch

Q.22:- Nepanagar is known for ?

  1. Forest
  2. Newspaper manufacture
  3. Mines
  4. Sport goods

Q.23:- Pulses are obtained from the family ?

  1. Liliaceae
  2. Cycadaceae
  3. Leguminosae
  4. Fungi

Q.24:- Coffee is obtain from which part of plant ?

  1. Flower
  2. Seed
  3. Leaf
  4. Fruit

Q.25:- Chekori powder is obtain from which part of plant ?

  1. Root
  2. Seed
  3. Leaf
  4. Fruit