Biology Selected Questions and Answers Set 21

Q.1:- Blood cancer is commonly known as ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Leucoderma
  2. Leukaemia
  3. Haemophilia
  4. Anaemia

Q.2:- Which of the following is most injurious growing population of India ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Opium
  2. Datura
  3. Ganja
  4. Tobacco

Q.3:- Female Culex mosquito is vector of ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Malaria
  2. Filariasis
  3. Ring-Worm
  4. None of the above

Q.4:- The disease which has been eradicated ? [SSC Exam 2015]

  1. Chicken Pox
  2. Measles
  3. Small Pox
  4. Mumps

Q.5:- Which one of the following is a sex linked disease ?

  1. Leprosy
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Colour Blindness
  4. Leukaemia

Q.6:- Haemophilia is due to ?

  1. Dominant Autosomal Genes
  2. Recessive Autosomal Genes
  3. Recessive Sex Linked Genes
  4. Dominant Sex Linked Gene

Q.7:- Experimental evidence to show that the genetic code is a triplet code was provided by ?

  1. George Gamow
  2. Watson & Crick
  3. Nirenberg and Mathaei
  4. None of the above

Q.8:- Gene is ? [SSC Exam 2013]

  1. Particular DNA segment which determines heredity of a particular trait
  2. Half DNA segment of somatic cells
  3. Whole DNA
  4. Half DNA Segment
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Q.9:- Differentiation of organs and tissues in a developing organism in associated with ?

  1. Differential expression of genes
  2. Development mutations
  3. Deletion of genes
  4. Lethal Mutation

Q.10:- For a colour blind person red colour appear as ? [SSC Exam 2008]

  1. Yellow
  2. Blue
  3. Green
  4. Violet

Q.11:- Nucleic acids are made of ?

  1. Nucleotides
  2. Nucleosides
  3. Amino Acids
  4. Protein

Q.12:- Nucleosome contains ?

  1. Only Histones
  2. Both DNA and Histones
  3. Only DNA
  4. Both DNA and RNA

Q.13:- Nucleic acid occur in ?

  1. Viruses
  2. Bacteria
  3. Mammal
  4. All form of life

Q.14:- The gene which exhibits multiple effects is known as ? [SSC Exam 2015]

  1. Polygene
  2. Pseudogene
  3. Pleiotropic
  4. Complementary

Q.15:- Insect resistant cotton plant have been genetically engineered by inserting a gene from a ? [IAS (Pre) Exam 2000]

  1. Virus
  2. Bacterium
  3. Insect
  4. Plant

Q.16:- Queen Victoria of England was ?

  1. AIDS Patient
  2. Deaf
  3. Haemophiliac
  4. Colour Blind
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Q.17:- Homologous organ are ?

  1. Similar in structure
  2. Similar in function
  3. Similar in both structure and function
  4. Dissimilar in structure

Q.18:- The most accepted theory of origin of life is ?

  1. Theory of spontaneous generation
  2. Oparin-Haldane Theory
  3. Theory of Special Creation
  4. Theory of Eternity of Life

Q.19:- In the context of organic evolution, the loss of limbs in snakes is explained by the phenomenon of ? [IAS (Pre) Exam 2002]

  1. Use and disuse of organs
  2. Adaptation to living in burrows
  3. Natural selection
  4. Inheritance of acquired characters

Q.20:- When we eat the flesh of goat we are ? [BPSC Exam 1995]

  1. Primary Consumer
  2. Secondary Consumer
  3. Tertiary Consumer
  4. None of the above

Q.21:- Which of the following is most stable Ecosystem ? [RAS/RTS (Pre) Exam 2008]

  1. Forest
  2. Grass Land
  3. Desert
  4. Sea

Q.22:- What is farming along with animal husbandry called ? [SSC Exam 2014]

  1. Mixed Farming
  2. Mixed Agriculture
  3. Dairy Farming
  4. Truck Farming
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Q.23:- Phytron is a facility to ? [IAS (Pre) Exam 2000]

  1. Grow plants under disease free condition
  2. Conserve endangered species of plant
  3. Grow plant under controlled condition
  4. Induced mutations

Q.24:- Lichens, which are capable of initiating ecological succession even on a bare rock, are actually a symbiotic association of ? [UPSC Exam 2014]

  1. Algae and Bacteria
  2. Algae and Fungi
  3. Bacteria and Fungi
  4. Fungi and Mosses

Q.25:- Centre for Ecological Sciences is situated at ? [SSC Exam 2015]

  1. New Delhi
  2. Allahabad
  3. Karnal
  4. Bengaluru