Biology Selected Questions and Answers Set 15

Q.1:- The type of root formed in Betel vine is ?

  1. Stilt Root
  2. Clinging Root
  3. Climbing Root
  4. Prop Root

Q.2:- Omithology is the study of ?

  1. Crustaceans
  2. Bees
  3. Insects
  4. Birds

Q.3:- The largest mammal is ?

  1. Elephant
  2. Camel
  3. Blue Whale
  4. Man

Q.4:- Which of the following types of teeth is used for grinding food ?

  1. Canine
  2. Incisor
  3. Molar
  4. Milk

Q.5:- The extinct bird which have teeth in their beak ?

  1. Archaeopteryx
  2. Dodo
  3. Kiwi
  4. Penguin

Q.6:- Deficiency of Magnesium causes ?

  1. Necrosis
  2. Plasmolysis
  3. Hydrolysis
  4. Chlorosis

Q.7:- Red rot of sugarcane is caused by ?

  1. Colletotrichum Falcatum
  2. Cercopspora Personata
  3. Alternaria Alterrnata
  4. Phylophthora Infetans

Q.8:- Hydroponics is a method of culture of plants without using ?

  1. Sand
  2. Soil
  3. Water
  4. Light

Q.9:- Kreb Cycle takes place in ?

  1. Vesicles of E.R.
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Dictyosomes
  4. Chloroplast

Q.10:- Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are called ?

  1. Microsomes
  2. Allosomes
  3. Isochromosomes
  4. Autosomes

Q.11:- Chromosomes are made up of ?

  1. DNA
  2. Protein
  3. DNA and Protein
  4. RNA

Q.12:- Regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetable is recommended in the diet since they are a good source of antioxidants help a person to maintain health and promote longevity ?

  1. They activate the enzymes necessary for vitamin synthesis in the body and help prevent vitamin deficiency.
  2. They prevent excessive oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body and help avoid unnecessary wastage of energy
  3. They neutralize the free radicals produced in the body during metabolism
  4. They activate certain genes in the cells of the body and help delay the ageing process
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Q.13:- Doctors use electrocardiogram (ECG) to ?

  1. Estimate the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute
  2. Detect changes in the electrical impulses in the heart during its contraction and relaxation
  3. Determine the changes in the sound pattern during opening and closure of valves
  4. Compare the sound waves resulting from vibration produced by cardiac muscles during pumping of heart

Q.14:- Who is the feather of Genetics ?

  1. Darwin
  2. Mendel
  3. Bridge
  4. Wiseman

Q.15:- Sex chromosome in human male are named ?

  1. XX
  2. XO
  3. XY
  4. None

Q.16:- Mendel’s law were rediscovered by ?

  1. Correns
  2. Tshermak
  3. Deveries
  4. All of these

Q.17:- Genes are situated in ?

  1. Chromosome
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Plastids
  4. Ribosomes

Q.18:- The biotechnology was coined by ?

  1. Hargovind Khurana
  2. Saran Narang
  3. Karl Ereky
  4. William Hays

Q.19:- A method used to distinguish DNA of one individual from another is ?

  1. DNA sequencing
  2. c DNA
  3. Hybridisation
  4. Restriction fragment length polymorphism

Q.20:- Kala Azar is transmitted by ………….. ?

  1. Black flies
  2. Sand fly
  3. Tsetse fly
  4. Mites

Q.21:- What does the word ‘Amphibian’ mean ?

  1. Two lives
  2. Four lives
  3. Three lives
  4. One life

Q.22:- Silk is obtain from ?

  1. Egg of silk worm
  2. Pupa of silk worm
  3. Larva of silkworm
  4. None

Q.23:- Which of the following is a true fish ?

  1. Flying fish
  2. Cry fish
  3. Cuttle fish
  4. Silver fish

Q.24:- Small pore found in the body of sponges ?

  1. Ostia
  2. Osuculum
  3. Redulla
  4. Cilia
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Q.25:- The largest flightless bird is ?

  1. Penguin
  2. Kiwi
  3. Ostrich
  4. Amu