Biology (Botany, Zoology, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 1

Q.1:- Typhoid fever is caused by ?

  1. Virus
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungus
  4. Allergy

Q.2:- What is the chromosome number in a human ovum ?

  1. 24
  2. 46
  3. 48
  4. None of these

Q.3:- AIDS virus has ?

  1. Single stranded RNA
  2. Double Stranded RNA
  3. Single Stranded DNA
  4. Double Stranded DNA

Q.4:- The pollination of maize takes place by ?

  1. Self pollination
  2. Pollination by insects
  3. Pollination by air
  4. Pollination by rain

Q.5:- ‘ELISA’ test is employed to diagnose ?

  1. Polio Virus
  2. Aids Antibodies
  3. Tuberculosis Bacterium
  4. Cancer

Q.6:- What is Sponge ?

  1. A Fungus
  2. A Fossil
  3. A Plant
  4. An Animal

Q.7:- Which of the following hormone is released in excess quantity during excitement ?

  1. Cortisone
  2. Serotonin
  3. Adrenaline
  4. Oestrogen

Q.8:- Which of the following is most important for growth of children upto the age of 14 ?

  1. Proteins
  2. Vitamins
  3. Fats
  4. Milk

Q.9:- A plant with compound leaves is ?

  1. Papaya
  2. Coconut
  3. Peepal
  4. Hibiscus

Q.10:- Which of the following food items is rich in Iron ?

  1. Rice
  2. Apple
  3. Pulses
  4. Orange

Q.11:- Which of the following is found only in women ?

  1. Thyroid
  2. Pituitary
  3. Ovary
  4. Adenoid

Q.12:- Anglo-Nubian is a breed of ?

  1. Sheep
  2. Goat
  3. Poultry
  4. Cattle

Q.13:- Rod shaped bacteria is called ?

  1. Bacillus
  2. Spirillum
  3. Coccus
  4. Coma

Q.14:- What may be the cause of malfunctioning of thyroid gland ?

  1. Iodine deficiency
  2. Iron deficiency
  3. Calcium deficiency
  4. Vitamin C
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Q.15:- What are the blood corpuscles that help to build up resistance against diseases ?

  1. Leucocytes
  2. Monocytes
  3. Neutrophils
  4. Lymphocytes

Q.16:- Who discovered Cholera germs ?

  1. Robert Koch
  2. Rene Laennec
  3. Dreser
  4. Hansen

Q.17:- During the photosynthesis the liberated gas is ?

  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Oxygen
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Hydrogen

Q.18:- What is the gland that holds the body’s thermostat ?

  1. Pineal
  2. Pituitary
  3. Thyroid
  4. Hypothalamus

Q.19:- Onion is modified form of ?

  1. Leaf
  2. Stem
  3. Root
  4. None of these

Q.20:- Which wood will become useless soon after exposing in the open air ?

  1. Soft wood
  2. Fibrous wood
  3. Wet wood
  4. Hard wood

Q.21:- Pituitary gland is located in ?

  1. Brain
  2. Kidney
  3. Liver
  4. Intestine

Q.22:- Which of the following is a female sex hormone ?

  1. Estrogen
  2. Androgen
  3. Oxytocin
  4. Insulin

Q.23:- Which of the following is the largest living bird ?

  1. Eagle
  2. Peacock
  3. Ostrich
  4. Kiwi

Q.24:- Fruits of this plant are found underground ?

  1. Potato
  2. Carrot
  3. Groundnut
  4. Onion

Q.25:- Water in plants is transported by ?

  1. Cambium
  2. Phloem
  3. Epidermis
  4. Xylem