Biology (Botany, Zoology, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 7

Q.1:- What is the chemical name of vinegar ?

  1. Citric acid
  2. Acetic acid
  3. Pyruvic acid
  4. Malic acid

Q.2:- The large amount of sugar present in human blood is ?

  1. Sucrose
  2. Glucose
  3. Fructose
  4. Lactose

Q.3:- Which one of the following is used in the treatment of tuberculosis ?

  1. Penicillin
  2. Aspirin
  3. Paracetamol
  4. Dettol

Q.4:- Which of the following is the largest living bird ?

  1. Peacock
  2. Ostrich
  3. Dodo
  4. Turkey

Q.5:- Which of the following part of tongue bears cells for sour taste ?

  1. Front
  2. Back
  3. Sides
  4. Middle

Q.6:- Iodoform is used as an ?

  1. Antipyretic
  2. Analgesic
  3. Antiseptic
  4. Anaesthetic

Q.7:- The ability of the eye to see in the dark, is due to the production of a purple pigment known as ?

  1. Carotene
  2. Rhodopsin
  3. Iodosin
  4. Retinene

Q.8:- Among the defects of eye, the short sightedness is called ?

  1. Coma
  2. Hypermetropia
  3. Myopia
  4. Astigmatism

Q.9:- Respiration process requires ?

  1. Heat
  2. Water
  3. Oxygen
  4. Sunlight

Q.10:- Which one of the following is not a vaccine ?

  1. BCG
  2. Anti-rabies
  3. Polio vaccine
  4. Progesterone

Q.11:- The age of a tree can be determined more or less accurately by ?

  1. Counting the number of branches
  2. Measuring the height of the tree
  3. Measuring the diameter of the trunk
  4. Counting the number of rings in the trunk

Q.12:- Blood cancer is otherwise called ?

  1. Anaemia
  2. Polycythemia
  3. Leucopenia
  4. Leukaemia

Q.13:- The study of visceral organs is ?

  1. Angiology
  2. Arthrology
  3. Anthrology
  4. Splanchnology

Q.14:- Which one of the following does not secrete any digestive enzyme ?

  1. Liver
  2. Salivary gland
  3. Glands of small intestine
  4. Pancreas
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Q.15:- The vector of disease sleeping sickness is ?

  1. Sand-fly
  2. House-fly
  3. Fruit-fly
  4. Tse-tse fly

Q.16:- The disease that is caused by virus is ?

  1. Typhoid
  2. Cholera
  3. Common cold
  4. Tetanus

Q.17:- Blood groups were discovered by ?

  1. Altmann
  2. Landsteiner
  3. Losch
  4. Ronald Ross

Q.18:- Which of the following snakes killed for its beautiful skin has been declared an endangered species ?

  1. Python
  2. King Cobra
  3. Russel’s Viper
  4. Krait

Q.19:- Sweat glands in mammals are primarily concerned with ?

  1. Removal of excess salts
  2. Excretion of nitrogenous wastes
  3. Thermoregulation
  4. Sex attraction

Q.20:- of all micro-organisms, the most adaptable and versatile are ?

  1. Viruses
  2. Bacteria
  3. Algae
  4. Fungi

Q.21:- The standard audible capacity of a healthy human being as per World Health Organisation is in the range of ?

  1. 45-50 decibels
  2. 200-250 decibels
  3. 5-10 decibels
  4. 2000-2500 decibels

Q.22:- Which of the following is not included in the Technology Mission ?

  1. Oil seeds
  2. Pulses
  3. Maize
  4. Vegetables

Q.23:- Night blindness results from the deficiency of ?

  1. Glucose
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Vitamin B2
  4. Vitamin A

Q.24:- Johann Gregor Mendel is famous for propounding ?

  1. Theory of mutation
  2. Laws of heredity
  3. Cell theory
  4. Theory of acquired characters

Q.25:- Which one of the following is most important for the growth of children up to the age of 14?

  1. Protein
  2. Vitamin
  3. Fat
  4. Milk
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