Q.1:- Which enzyme digests proteins in the stomach ?
- Trypsin
- Pepsin
- Salivary amylase
- Pancreatic canal
Q.2:- Chlorophyll was first isolated and named by ?
- Caventou
- Pelletier
- Chlorophyll
- Caventou and Pelletier
Q.3:- Bacterial decomposition of biological material under anaerobic condition is ?
- Fermentation
- Fertilization
- Contamination
- Composting
Q.4:- What is the limit of MG / DL of blood sugar in the normal person at the time of fast ?
- 40-60
- 120-150
- 70-100
- 160-200
Q.5:- Ginger is a stem and not a root because ?
- It stores food marterial
- It grows horizontally in the soil
- It has nodes and internodes
- It lacks chlorophyll
Q.6:- Camel is a desert animal, that can live without water for many days, because ?
- It does not need water
- Water is formed in the body due to oxidation of fat
- It has the water sac in the walls of the lumen of stomach
- All of the above
Q.7:- Lac which is used as sealing wax is produced by ?
- Stem
- Root
- Insect
- Bird
Q.8:- Which of the following organisms is most likely to produce greenhouse gases such as Nitrous Oxide and Methane ?
- Fungi
- Earthworm
- Bacteria
- Green Plants
Q.9:- Which of the following is the sweetest sugar ?
- Sucrose
- Glucose
- Fructose
- Maltose
Q.10:- Plasma membrane in Eukaryotic cells is made up of ?
- Phospholipid
- Lipoprotein
- Phospholipo-Protein
- Phospho-Protein
Q.11:- Vegetables are easily perishable because of their high content of ?
- Sugars
- Water
- Vitamins
- Enzymes
Q.12:- The pH of human blood is ?
- 2
- 8
- 6
- 4
Q.13:- The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is ?
- Skeletal
- Nerves
- Connective
- Germinal
Q.14:- Leukaemia or blood cancer is characterized by abnormal increase of the ?
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- Blood Platelets
- Blood Plasma
Q.15:- Which phenomenon do bats or dolphins use to find prey, predators or obstacles ?
- Refraction of sound
- Formation of beats
- Scattering of sound
- Echo location
Q.16:- DNA fingerprinting is used to identify the ?
- Parents
- Rapist
- Thieves
- All the above
Q.17:- An insect catching plant is ?
- Australian Acacia
- Smilax
- Nepenthes
- Nerium
Q.18:- Which enzyme converts proteins ?
- Pepsin
- Trypsin
- Erepsin
- Enterokinase
Q.19:- The end product of the digestion of starch in the alimentary canal is ?
- Glucose
- Galactose
- Maltose
- Isomaltose
Q.20:- What is the common in AIDS mumps and poliomyelitis ?
- Young children get affected most readily
- Non effective vaccine has yet been developed for them
- These are caused by viruses
- Their germs can be transmitted through blood transfusions
Q.21:- Liver oil of fish is rich in ?
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
Q.22:- To which group of blood an universal recipient belongs ?
- A group
- B group
- O group
- AB group
Q.23:- It causes clotting of blood ?
- Thrombin
- Haemoglobin
- Pectin
- All of the above
Q.24:- ‘Pacemaker’ is associated with ?
- Kidney
- Brain
- Heart
- Lung
Q.25:- Which one of these is a communicable disease ?
- Diabetes
- Diphtheria
- Arthritis
- Cancer