Biology (Botany, Zoology, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 31

Q.1:- Global warming is expected to result in ?

  1. Increase in sea level
  2. Change in crop pattern
  3. Change in coastal line
  4. All of the above

Q.2:- Which is the largest gland in human body ?

  1. Liver
  2. Thyroid
  3. Pituitary
  4. Salivary

Q.3:- Goitre is caused by the deficiency of ?

  1. Zinc
  2. Calcium
  3. Iodine
  4. Chlorine

Q.4:- Which of the following greenhouse gases has the greatest heat trapping ability ?

  1. Chlorofluoro Carbon
  2. Methane
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Nitrous Oxide

Q.5:- Which mosquito is the carrier of Zika virus ?

  1. Culex
  2. Aedes
  3. Anopheles
  4. Culiseta

Q.6:- Who among the following is credited with starting the work on plant tissue culture ?

  1. C. Steward
  2. Maheshwari
  3. R. White
  4. Haberlandt

Q.7:- The waste management technique that involves the use of micro-organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from contaminated site is called ?

  1. Bio Sensor
  2. Bio Magnification
  3. Bio Remediation
  4. Bio Concentration

Q.8:- Gustation refers to the sense of which of the following ?

  1. Smell
  2. Hearing
  3. Tactile
  4. Taste

Q.9:- Which of the following fibres is considered as the strongest natural fibre ?

  1. Cotton
  2. Jute
  3. Wool
  4. Silk

Q.10:- ‘Green House Effect’ means ?

  1. Pollution in houses in tropical region
  2. Prevention of ultraviolet radiation by the Ozone layer
  3. Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric gases
  4. Damage to green painted buildings

Q.11:- Polio is caused by ?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Virus
  3. Fungus
  4. Protozoa

Q.12:- Biodegradable wastes can usually be converted into useful substances with the help of ?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Nuclear Proteins
  3. Radioactive Substances
  4. Viruses

Q.13:- The disease Beri-Beri is caused due to the deficiency of which of the following ?

  1. Vitamin B2
  2. Vitamin B1
  3. Vitamin B12
  4. Vitamin E

Q.14:- If a healthy freshwater fish is placed in salt water, what will be the expected consequence ?

  1. The fish becomes dehydrated and dies
  2. The fish becomes bloated and dies
  3. The fish suffers from fungal or bacterial disease and dies
  4. There is no observable effect on the fish provided there is sufficient food

Q.15:- The Vitamin that is most readily manufactured in our bodes is ?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D

Q.16:- Which virus from the following combinations is contagious for human beings ?

  1. H5N1
  2. H2N3
  3. H4N1
  4. H4N2

Q.17:- Which of the following pairs has open type of circulatory system ?

  1. Earthworm and Leech
  2. Man and Whale
  3. Cockroach and Silverfish
  4. Tadpole larva and Fish
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Q.18:- Enzyme are ?

  1. Micro Organisms
  2. Proteins
  3. Inorganic Compounds
  4. Moulds

Q.19:- An instrument for measuring blood pressure is called ?

  1. Barometer
  2. Spirometer
  3. Sphygmomanometer
  4. Haemocytometer

Q.20:- The longest bone in the human body is ?

  1. Ulna
  2. Humerus
  3. Femur
  4. Tibia

Q.21:- The colours of cow’s milk is slightly yellow due to the presence of ?

  1. Xanthophyll
  2. Riboflavin
  3. Ribulose
  4. Carotene

Q.22:- Deep fried food materials are carcinogenic because they are rich in ?

  1. Fats
  2. Hydrocarbons
  3. Cooking oil
  4. Nicotine

Q.23:- Select the bio-fertilizer in the following ?

  1. Compost
  2. Ammonium Sulphate
  3. Cattle Dung
  4. Algae and Blue-Green Algae

Q.24:-  Heart attack occurs due to ?

  1. Bacterial attack on the heart
  2. Stopping of heart beat
  3. Lack of blood supply to the heart itself
  4. Impairment of heart’s working due to unknown reasons

Q.25:- The poison of honey bee is ?

  1. Acidic
  2. Alkaline
  3. Saltish
  4. Protein