Biology (Botany, Zoology, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 25

Q.1:- Jaundice is a disease which affects ?

  1. Heart
  2. Liver
  3. Spleen
  4. Gall Bladder

Q.2:- Cuscuta is a ?

  1. Saprophyte
  2. Epiphyte
  3. Xerophyte
  4. Parasite

Q.3:- DPT vaccine is administered to prevent diseases like ?

  1. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus
  2. Dengue, Pertussis and Typhoid
  3. Dengue, Polio and Tetanus
  4. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Typhoid

Q.4:- Approximate life span of parrot is ?

  1. 20 years
  2. 40 years
  3. 70 years
  4. 140 years

Q.5:- Vitamin C is also known as ?

  1. Amino Acid
  2. Ascorbic Acid
  3. Acetic Acid
  4. Azelaic Acid

Q.6:- Lactogenic hormone is secreted by ?

  1. Mammary glands
  2. Placenta
  3. Ovary
  4. Pituitary

Q.7:- In the human body, which of the following organs is responsible for water balance ?

  1. Heart
  2. Liver
  3. Kidneys
  4. Lungs

Q.8:- Bone ossification test is conducted to ascertain human ?

  1. Brain efficiency
  2. Tentative age
  3. Tentative height
  4. Drug addiction

Q.9:- The non-green heterotrophic plants of plant kingdom are ?

  1. Mosses
  2. Ferns
  3. Algae
  4. Fungi

Q.10:- Stem is usually ?

  1. Positively Phototropic
  2. Negatively Phototropic
  3. Negatively Geotropic
  4. Positively Acrotropic

Q.11:- What is farming along with animal husbandry called ?

  1. Mixed farming
  2. Mixed agriculture
  3. Dairy Farming
  4. Truck Farming

Q.12:- Water of coconut is ?

  1. Liquid nucellus
  2. Liquid mesocarp
  3. Liquid endocarp
  4. Degenerated liquid endosperm

Q.13:- Movement of hairs in Drosera is referred to as ?

  1. Heliotropism
  2. Thigmotropism
  3. Photonastic
  4. Seismonastic

Q.14:- Bile is secreted by ?

  1. Gall Bladder
  2. Liver
  3. Bile Duct
  4. Pancreas

Q.15:- Meningitis is a disease which affects the ?

  1. Kidneys
  2. Liver
  3. Heart
  4. Brain

Q.16:- The only bird that flies backward is ?

  1. Sparrow
  2. Koel
  3. Siberian Crane
  4. Humming Bird

Q.17:- Which of the following branches deals with the interactions of same species of living organisms with their non-living environment ?

  1. Autecology
  2. Synecology
  3. Ecology
  4. Palaeontology

Q.18:- The enzyme that coagulates milk into curd is ?

  1. Rennin
  2. Pepsin
  3. Resin
  4. Citrate

Q.19:- The largest organ of human body is ?

  1. Heart
  2. Brain
  3. Liver
  4. Kidney

Q.20:- Which one of the following is a water borne disease ?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Cholera
  3. Small Pox
  4. Malaria

Q.21:- Food for the developing foetus is supplied by the ?

  1. Uterus
  2. Placenta
  3. Ovary
  4. Allantosis

Q.22:- Scurvy is a disease of ?

  1. Hair
  2. Skin
  3. Liver
  4. Eyes
READ ALSO:   Biology (Botany, Zoology, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 2

Q.23:- Metabolism is referred to as ?

  1. Synthesis of biomolecules
  2. Breaking-down of biomolecules
  3. Synthesis and breaking down of biomolecules
  4. Recycling of biomolecules

Q.24:- The central control of respiratory activity in human body is exercised by ?

  1. Cerebrum
  2. Cerebellum
  3. Medulla Oblongata
  4. Hypothalamus

Q.25:- Birds usually have a single ?

  1. Kidney
  2. Lung
  3. Testis
  4. Ovary