Biology (Botany, Zoology, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 18

Q.1:- Which of the following is an Anti-Oxidant ?

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin K
  3. Vitamin B
  4. Vitamin D

Q.2:- Which base in place of Thymine is present in RNA ?

  1. Adenine
  2. Guanine
  3. Uracil
  4. Cytosine

Q.3:- The tern ‘Green Revolution’ was coined by ?

  1. William Gaud
  2. Charles Elton
  3. Eugene Odum
  4. S. Swaminathan

Q.4:- Time required for the organism to eliminate 50% the total body burden or tissue concentration of chemical is referred as ?

  1. Threshold limit time
  2. Half time life
  3. Residual period
  4. Half-life period

Q.5:- What does ‘Ozone Layer’ absorb ?

  1. Infrared rays
  2. Ultraviolet rays
  3. X-rays
  4. G-rays

Q.6:- The red, orange and yellow colours of leaf is due to ?

  1. Aldehydes
  2. Tannis
  3. Lignins
  4. Carotenoid

Q.7:- Some of the ingredients required for bread making are ?

  1. Maida and Yeast
  2. Maida and Baking Powder
  3. Maida and Baking Soda
  4. Maida and Ghee

Q.8:- Which of the following can be used for biological control of mosquitos ?

  1. DDT
  2. Gambusia
  3. Oil
  4. Ointments

Q.9:- Who among the following have venous heart ?

  1. Mammals
  2. Reptilians
  3. Fishes
  4. Amphibians

Q.10:- The primary producer in an ecosystem are ?

  1. Women
  2. Men
  3. Plants
  4. Bacteria

Q.11:- What vessel carries the venous blood to the lungs for Oxygenation ?

  1. Pulmonary arteries
  2. Pulmonary veins
  3. Pulmonary arterio-venous shunt
  4. Right ventricle

Q.12:- The substance used to bring down body temperature in high fever is ?

  1. Tranquilisers
  2. Antipyretics
  3. Analgesics
  4. Antibiotics

Q.13:- The following sugar gives energy most readily ?

  1. Lactose
  2. Cellulose
  3. Maltose
  4. Glucose

Q.14:- Potassium meta-bisulphite is used as a food preservative for ?

  1. Squash
  2. Tomato Ketchup
  3. Fruit Juices
  4. Pickles

Q.15:- The trace metal present in Insulin is ?

  1. Iron
  2. Zinc
  3. Cobalt
  4. Manganese

Q.16:- The vitamin which cannot be had from any vegetables is ?

  1. Vitamin B
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin E

Q.17:- Maximum harm to a tree is caused by ?

  1. Loss of half of its leaves
  2. Loss of all leaves
  3. Loss of half of its branches
  4. Loss of its bark

Q.18:- Free living Nitrogen fixing microorganisms are ?

  1. Rhizobia
  2. Soil Fungi
  3. Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza
  4. Blue Green Algae

Q.19:- The protein present in the finger nail is ?

  1. Actin
  2. Myosin
  3. Globin
  4. Keratin

Q.20:- EEG is a technique to record the activity of ?

  1. Heart
  2. Lungs
  3. Brain
  4. Muscles
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Q.21:- The largest flightless bird which can run at a great speed is ?

  1. Penguin
  2. Kiwi
  3. Ostrich
  4. Emu

Q.22:- Approximately how many times each day, do our heart valves open and close normally ?

  1. 10,000 times
  2. 1,00,000 times
  3. 1,50,000 times
  4. 2,00,0000 times

Q.23:- Jaundice is caused due to the infection of ?

  1. Brain
  2. Liver
  3. Kidney
  4. Spleen

Q.24:- A person having blood type B could safely donate blood to persons with blood types ?

  1. A and O
  2. B and O
  3. A and AB
  4. B and AB

Q.25:- Vitamin E is particularly important for ?

  1. Development of teeth
  2. Carbohydrate metabolism
  3. Normal activity of sex glands
  4. General health of epithelial tissues