Ancient Indian History Selected Questions and Answers Set 2


Q.1:- The principle that distinguishes Jainism from Buddhism is the ?

  1. Practice of the eight-fold path
  2. Rejection of the infallibility of the Vedas
  3. Attribution of a soul to all beings and things
  4. Belief in rebirth

Ans:- (c) Attribution of a soul to all beings and things

Q.2:- Who was the author of ‘Budha Charita’ ?

  1. Asvaghosha
  2. Nagasena
  3. Nagarjuna
  4. Vasumitra

Ans:- (a) Asvaghosha

Q.3:- Consider the following statements ?

  1. Jainism in ancient India condemned the Varna system.
  2. Jain religious literature was written in Ardhamagadhi.
  3. Mahavira admitted women into the order of his followers.

Which of these statements is /are correct ?

  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 3 only
  4. 2 and 3

Ans:- (d) 2 and 3

Q.4:- Lothal is a site where dockyard of which of the following civilization were found ?

  1. Indus Valley
  2. Mesopotamian
  3. Egyptian
  4. Persian

Ans:- (a) Indus Valley

Q.5:- An advanced water management system of Harappan times has been unearthed at ?

  1. Dholavira
  2. Lothal
  3. Kalibangan
  4. Alamgirpur

Ans:- (a) Dholavira

Q.6:- Which one of the following Gupta kings granted permission to Meghverma, the ruler of Sri Lanka to build a Buddhist temple at Gaya ?

  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Chandragupta II
  4. Skandagupta

Ans:- (b) Samudragupta

Q.7:- Which of the following is called ‘The Bible of Tamil Land’ ?

  1. Kural
  2. Tolkappiyam
  3. Silappadikaram
  4. Manimekalai

Ans:- (a) Kural

Q.8:- Which one of the periods marks the beginning of the Indian temple architecture ?

  1. Nanda
  2. Maurya
  3. Sunga
  4. Gupta

Ans:- (d) Gupta

Q.9:- ‘Mrichhakatika’ was written by ?

  1. Vikramaditya
  2. Sudraka
  3. Kalhana
  4. Banabhatta

Ans:- (b) Sudraka

Q.10:- Which one of the following was known as Chalco-lithic age ?

  1. Paleolithic Age
  2. Neolithic Age
  3. Copper – Stone Age
  4. Iron Age
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Ans:- (c) Copper – Stone Age

Q.11:- Taxila University was situated in ?

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Burma

Ans:- (a) Pakistan

Q.12:- The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of ?

  1. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
  2. Kanishka I
  3. Rudradaman
  4. Samudragupta

Ans:- (c) Rudradaman

Q.13:- Who amongst the following Mauryan rulers did conquer the Deccan ?

  1. Ashoka
  2. Chandragupta
  3. Bindusara
  4. Kunala

Ans:- (c) Bindusara

Q.14:- A Buddhist council during the reign of Ashoka was held at ?

  1. Magadha
  2. Pataliputra
  3. Samastipur
  4. Rajgriha

Ans:- (b) Pataliputra

Q.15:- Language used in the inscriptions of Ashoka is ?

  1. Sanskrit
  2. Prakrit
  3. Apabhramsa
  4. Hindi

Ans:- (b) Prakrit

Q.16:- The division of Mauryan society into seven classes was particularly mentioned in ?

  1. Kautilya’s Arthashastra
  2. Ashokan Edicts
  3. The Purans
  4. The ‘Indica’ of Megasthenes

Ans:- (d) The ‘Indica’ of Megasthenes

Q.17:- Who of the following was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great ?

  1. Bimbisara
  2. Chandragupta Maurya
  3. Ashoka
  4. Pushyamitra Sunga

Ans:- (b) Chandragupta Maurya

Q.18:- Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ deals with the aspects of ?

  1. Economic Life
  2. Political Policies
  3. Religious Life
  4. Social Life

Ans:- (b) Political Policies

Q.19:- Which one of the following places has no Ashokan edicts ?

  1. Girnar
  2. Kandhar
  3. Pataliputra
  4. Topra

Ans:- (c) Pataliputra

Q.20:- Who is said to have become the chief of the Jain Sangh after the death of Mahavira ?

  1. Jambu
  2. Bhadrabahu
  3. Sthulbhadra
  4. Sudharma

Ans:- (d) Sudharma

Q.21:- Who among the following presided over the Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir ?

  1. Parsva
  2. Nagarjuna
  3. Sudraka
  4. Vasumitra

Ans:- (d) Vasumitra

Q.22:- The Lumbani was the birth place of Buddha is attested by an inscription of ?

  1. Ashoka
  2. Pushyamitra Sung
  3. Kanishka
  4. Harsha
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Ans:- (a) Ashoka

Q.23:- Which one of the following is NOT included in the eight-fold path of Buddhism ?

  1. Right Speech
  2. Right Contemplation
  3. Right Desire
  4. Right Conduct

Ans:- (c) Right Desire

Q.24:- Buddha lived approximately at the same time as ?

  1. Confucius
  2. Moses
  3. Prophet Mohammad
  4. Hammurabi

Ans:- (a) Confucius

Q.25:- Who was the founder of Nanda dynasty ?

  1. Bimbisara
  2. Mahapadmananda
  3. Ajatasatru
  4. Dhanananda

Ans:- (b) Mahapadmananda