Ancient Indian History Selected Questions and Answers Set 5

Q.1:- In which year was Sakabda/Saka Samvata started ?

  1. 78 A.D.
  2. 58 B.C.
  3. 273 B.C.
  4. 420 A.D.

Q.2:- With whose reign is the Gandhara school of Art associated ?

  1. Kanishka
  2. Harsha
  3. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
  4. Ashoka

Q.3:- Which one of the following four Vedas contains an account of magical charms and spells ?

  1. Rigaveda
  2. Samaveda
  3. Yajurveda
  4. Atharvaveda

Q.4:- The ancient name of North Bihar was ?

  1. Vajji
  2. Vatsa
  3. Surasena
  4. Avanti

Q.5:- The Indus Valley Civilization was Non-Aryan because ?

  1. It was urban
  2. It has a pictographic script
  3. It had an agricultural economy
  4. It extended up to the Narmada Valley

Q.6:- In the early Rigvedic period, what was considered to be the most valuable property ?

  1. Land
  2. Cow
  3. Woman
  4. Water

Q.7:-  In how many categories did Megasthenes divide the Indian Society ?

  1. Four
  2. Five
  3. Six
  4. Seven

Q.8:- The notion of Saptanga that was introduced in ‘Arthashastra’ includes ?

  1. Kings, territory, administration and treasury
  2. Music dance, ragas and wrestling
  3. Ministers, civil servants, subalterns and those involved in espionage
  4. Aristocrats, acharyas, traders and monks

Q.9:- Which of the following propounded that ‘destiny determined everything, man is powerless’ ?

  1. Jains
  2. Buddhists
  3. Ajivakas
  4. Mimansakas

Q.10:- In Buddhism, what does Patimokkha stand for ?

  1. A description of Mahayana Buddhism
  2. A description of Hinayana Buddhism
  3. The rules of the Sangha
  4. The questions of king Menander

Q.11:- Name the last Trithankara ?

  1. Parsvanath
  2. Mahavira
  3. Siddhartha
  4. Subhadra

Q.12:- How many Tarangas are in ‘Rajatarangini’ of Kalhana ?

  1. Eight
  2. Nine
  3. Ten
  4. Eleven
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Q.13:- The cultivation of cereals first started in ?

  1. Neolithic Age
  2. Mesolithic Age
  3. Paleolithic Age
  4. None of these

Q.14:- Where was the capital of Sasanka ?

  1. Samatata
  2. Tamralipta
  3. Karna Suvarna
  4. Lakhnawati

Q.15:- In whose court was a Chinese embassy sent by Tang emperor ?

  1. Rajraja I
  2. Rajendra I
  3. Harshavardhana
  4. Prantaka I

Q.16:- Emperor Harsha’s southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by ?

  1. Pulkesin I
  2. Pulkesin II
  3. Vikramaditya I
  4. Vikramaditya II

Q.17:- The Indus Valley Civilization specialised in ?

  1. Town Planning
  2. Architecture
  3. Craftsmanship
  4. All of these

Q.18:- The earliest city discovered in India was ?

  1. Harappa
  2. Rangpur
  3. Mohenjodaro
  4. Singh

Q.19:- The Rigvedic God Varuna was ?

  1. Harbinger of peace
  2. Destroyer of foes
  3. Guardian of the cosmic order
  4. God prosperity

Q.20:- Which of the following is the major impact of Vedic Culture on Indian History ?

  1. Progress of philosophy
  2. Development of culture
  3. Rigidification of caste system
  4. Perception of a new worl

Q.21:- In ancient India, the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom was at ?

  1. Pataliputra
  2. Rajgir
  3. Vaishali
  4. Varanasi

Q.22:- Who of the following was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha ?

  1. Bhadrabahu
  2. Chandgragupta Maurya
  3. Parsvanath
  4. Vardhaman Mahavira

Q.23:- Name the clan Buddha belonged to ?

  1. Gnathrika
  2. Maurya
  3. Sakya
  4. Kuru

Q.24:- By whom the first republic of the world was established in Vaishali ?

  1. Maurya
  2. Nand
  3. Gupta
  4. Lichhavi

Q.25:- Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshasila located ?

  1. Indus and Jhelum
  2. Jhelum and Chenab
  3. Chenab and Ravi
  4. Ravi and Beas
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