Ancient Indian History Selected Questions and Answers Set 7

Q.1:- In the courtyard of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque of Delhi stands the famous Iron Pillar in the memory of ?

  1. Ashoka
  2. Chandra
  3. Harsha
  4. Anangpal

Q.2:- Who was the founder of Pattini Cult related to worship of goddess of chastity – Kannagi ?

  1. Sengattuvan
  2. Karikala
  3. Nendujeliyan
  4. None of these

Q.3:- During the reign of which of the following dynasties did Kalidasa flourish ?

  1. Mauryas
  2. Sungas
  3. Guptas
  4. Vardhanas

Q.4:- Who among the following introduced gold coins for regular use in India ?

  1. Vim Kadphises
  2. Kujula Kadphises
  3. Kamishka
  4. Hermwes

Q.5:- The first Gupta ruler to assume the title of ‘Parama Bhagawat’ was ?

  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Chandragupta II
  4. Ramgupta

Q.6:- Who was the founder of the Gupta Dynasty ?

  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Srigupta
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Skandgupta

Q.7:- The decimal system was first known in India at the beginning of ?

  1. 2nd Century AD
  2. 3rd Century AD
  3. 4th Century AD
  4. 5th Century AD
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Q.8:- Which of the following were the patrons of Sangam, an assembly of Tamil Poets ?

  1. Chera
  2. Chola
  3. Pandya
  4. Kadamb

Q.9:- Which one of the following dynasties was associated with Gandhara school of Art ?

  1. Chalukyas
  2. Guptas
  3. Kushans
  4. Mauryas

Q.10:- The art style which combines Indian and Greek feature is called ?

  1. Sikhar
  2. Vesar
  3. Gandhar
  4. Nagar

Q.11:- The head of a district (Ahara), the principal co-ordinator of the revenue and the officer in-charge of general and military functions in his jurisdiction during Mauryan Empire was known as ?

  1. Krori
  2. Rajuka
  3. Faujdar
  4. Chirastadar

Q.12:- The description of the administration of Patliputra is available in ?

  1. Divyavadan
  2. Arthashastra
  3. Indica
  4. Ashoka’s Inscriptions

Q.13:- Which one of the following sects was associated with Gosala Maskariputra ?

  1. Vajrayana
  2. Ajivakas
  3. Sthaviravadins
  4. Mahasanghikas
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Q.14:- Who among the following also had the name Devanama Piyadasi ?

  1. Mauryan King Ashoka
  2. Gautama Buddha
  3. Mauryan King Chandragupta Maurya
  4. Bhagwan Mahavira

Q.15:- Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ is a book on ?

  1. Economic relations
  2. Principles and practices of statecraft
  3. Foreign policy
  4. Duties of the king

Q.16:- In the kingdom of Satavahanas of ancient India, a district was called ?

  1. Ahara
  2. Kataka
  3. Rashtra
  4. Vihara

Q.17:- What is the name of Megasthenes’s book ?

  1. Arthashastra
  2. Rigveda
  3. Purana
  4. Indica

Q.18:- By which name was Chanakya known in his childhood ?

  1. Ajaya
  2. Chanakya
  3. Vishnugupta
  4. Deogupta

Q.19:- Which of the following was the official language of Gupta period ?

  1. Pali
  2. Magadhi
  3. Prakrit
  4. Sanskrit

Q.20:- Who amongst the following organised Ashwamedha Yajna ?

  1. Ajatashatru
  2. Ashoka
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Chandragupta

Q.21:- Samudragupta has been given the title of ‘India Napolean’ by the historian ?

  1. Romila Thapar
  2. A. Smith
  3. C. Mazumdar
  4. S. Sharma
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Q.22:- Which one of the following is considered an encyclopedia of India Medicine ?

  1. Charaka Samhita
  2. Surya Siddhanta
  3. Brihat Samhita
  4. Lokayata

Q.23:- Which of the following rulers checked Harshavardhana’s expedition in South India ?

  1. Pulkesin I
  2. Pulkesin II
  3. Vikramaditya I
  4. Vikramaditya II

Q.24:- The expounder of Yoga philosophy was ?

  1. Patanjali
  2. Gautam
  3. Jaimini
  4. Sankaracharya

Q.25:- In which language was the ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ originally written ?

  1. Sanskrit
  2. Apabhramsa
  3. Prakrit
  4. Pali