A Visit to A Village Fair or A Village Fair Essay in English Language for Student Exams

A Visit to A Village Fair or A Village Fair Short Essays in English Language for Student Exams.

A fair is a gathering of people at a place for buying and selling things. Village fairs are very common in India. They are usually held on the occasion of some religious festivals. The special feature of the village fairs is that they fulfil the needs of the rural people. In almost each fair the cattle market is necessary feature. I visited one such fair in last June.

People from the neighbouring villages had come to sell their various articles. Temporary shops had been erected. They had been arranged in various rows. Shops of one kind had been arranged in one row. On one side there were shops of confectioners, toys and steel utensils. On the other, there were shops of cloths, carpets, shoes, wooden articles, medicines, books, etc.

Besides shops, there were hawkers who moved about up and down the fair and sold their own little products. In the fair, there was a very brisk activity everywhere. Fair also serves as a meeting place for people living far away from one another. The fair is a great boon to the traders. They dispose of defective articles in a fair. Besides shops, there are some side attraction in the fair. Theaters, magic shows, merry-go-rounds, swings snake charmers, etc. provide a lot of fun to the visitors. Above all, village fair provides diversion and amusement and promotes trade and industry.

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