1700+ Indian Geography GK Questions (MCQs) With Answers For All Competitive Exams Part 6

Q.1:- The scarcity or crop failure of which of the following can cause a serious edible oil crisis in India?

  1. Coconut
  2. Groundnut
  3. Linseed
  4. Mustard

Q.2:- Which is the home of “Alphonso” mango?

  1. Ratnagiri
  2. Banaras
  3. Malda
  4. Vijaya

Q.3:- Rainfall from the south-west monsoon reaches

  1. Lahauland Spiti
  2. Ladakh
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Delta region of Mahanadi

Q.4:- What is the total number of biosphere reserves in India?

  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 17
  4. 18

Q.5:- The term ‘Regur’ is used to mean

  1. Laterite Soil
  2. Deltaic Soil
  3. Red Soil
  4. Black Cotton Soil

Q.6:- The Manas Wild Life sanctuary is located in the state of

  1. Gujarat
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Assam

Q.7:- Blue Revolution means the adoption of a package program to increase the production of

  1. Flowers
  2. Jute
  3. Fish and marine products
  4. Aquatic plants

Q.8:- The National Horticulture Board was set up in India in

  1. 1919
  2. 1974
  3. 1984
  4. 1928

Q.9:- Which company manufactures aircrafts at Bangalore?

  1. Hindustan Aircraft Ltd.
  2. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
  3. Bharat Aircrafts Ltd.
  4. Indian Aircrafts Ltd.

Q.10:- Which one of the following agencies markets steel for public sector plants?

  1. Hail
  2. Sail
  3. Tata Steel
  4. Hindustan Unilever

Q.11:- Which of the following is not a type of coal?

  1. Hematite
  2. Bituminous
  3. Lignite
  4. Anthracite

Q.12:- The world’s largest reserve of Barytes is found in

  1. Chauka hills
  2. Jaisalmer
  3. Ratnagiri
  4. Cuddapah

Q.13:- Malanjkhand copper mine are located in state of

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Jharkhand
  4. Karnataka

Q.14:- Which National Highway (NHs) after renumbering now connects between Jhansi and Ranchi?

  1. NH 48
  2. NH 148
  3. NH 23
  4. NH 248
READ ALSO:   1700+ Indian Geography GK Questions (MCQs) With Answers For All Competitive Exams Part 2

Q.15:- The National Dairy Development Board is headquartered at

  1. Karnal
  2. Anand
  3. Ahmedabad
  4. Vadodara

Q.16:- The greatest potential for the generation of tidal power in India is available in the

  1. Malabar coast
  2. Konkan coast
  3. Gujarat coast
  4. Coromandel coast

Q.17:- Where is the public sector Nepa news factory located?

  1. Himachal Pradesh
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Maharashtra

Q.18:- Which state in India is the largest producer of raw silk?

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. West Bengal
  3. Karnataka
  4. Jammu & Kashmir

Q.19:- Jadugoda mines are famous for

  1. Iron Ore
  2. Mica deposits
  3. Gold deposits
  4. Uranium deposits

Q.20:- Which coalfield is the largest producer in India?

  1. Talcher
  2. Raniganj
  3. Bokaro
  4. Jharia