1700+ Indian Geography GK Questions (MCQs) With Answers For All Competitive Exams Part 41

Q.1:- If you travel by road from Kohima to Koyyayam, what is the minimum number of States within India through which you can travel, including the origin and the destination?

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

Q.2:- Gangotri, Yamunotri, Badrinath, Kedarnath are in which of the following states?

  1. Uttarakhand
  2. Jammu & Kashmir
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Arunachal Pradesh

Q.3:- The Himalayas are generally divided into three ranges which do not include

  1. Siwalik
  2. Greater Himalayas
  3. Karakoram
  4. Lesser Himalayas

Q.4:- Consider the following rivers

  1. Ganga
  2. Brahmaputra
  3. Godavari
  4. Krishna

Which of these rivers build a common delta?

  1. 1 and 4
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 1 and 2
  4. 3 and 4

Q.5:- Which of the following rivers flow between the Vindhya and Satpura ranges?

  1. Narmada
  2. Tapti
  3. Gandak
  4. Godavari

Q.6:- Which river has its source in Maharashtra?

  1. Mahanadi
  2. Narmada
  3. Godavari
  4. Vaigai

Q.7:- Many transplanted seedlings do not grow because?

  1. The new soil does not contain favorable minerals
  2. Most of the root hairs grip the new soil too hard
  3. Most of the root hair are lost during transplantation
  4. Leaves get damaged during transplantation

Q.8:- Doon Valley is able to grow rice because

  1. It has warm summers and snow-melt waters for irrigation
  2. People in the valley are rice eaters
  3. Other crops cannot be grown
  4. There is a huge export demand

Q.9:- Which of the following forest type and trees is matched wrongly?

  1. Evergreen – Ebony Rosewood
  2. Coniferous – Deodar, Walnut
  3. Tidal – Mango
  4. Deciduous – Sal, Sandalwood

Q.10:- Uttar Pradesh holds the first place in India in the production of

  1. Ice & Wheat
  2. Wheat & Sugarcane
  3. Rice & Sugarcane
  4. Wheat & Pulses

Q.11:- In which type of soil does Maize grow well?

  1. Black
  2. Old alluvial
  3. Sandy soil
  4. None of the above

Q.12:- Which of the following is not a physical factor for location of industries?

  1. Raw materials
  2. Water supply
  3. Power supply
  4. Labour

Q.13:- The most fertile region of India is

  1. The Himalayas
  2. The Central Highlands
  3. The Indo-Gangetic plains
  4. Peninsular plateau
READ ALSO:   1700+ Indian Geography GK Questions (MCQs) With Answers For All Competitive Exams Part 4

Q.14:- In which of the following ways can soil be conserved?

  1. Contour ploughing

      2. Terracing

      3. Shifting cultivation

      4. Crop rotation

  1. 1, 2 and 4
  2. 2, 3 and 4
  3. 2 and 4
  4. 1 and 3

Q.15:- Which river bounds Bundelkhand Uplands in the north?

  1. Yamuna
  2. Chambal
  3. Ganga
  4. Ramganga

Q.16:- Consider the following tributaries of river Brahmaputra

  1. Lohit
  2. Tista
  3. Subansiri
  4. Sankosh

Arrange the above rivers from west to east

  1. 2, 4, 3, 1
  2. 2, 3, 4, 1
  3. 4, 2, 3. 1
  4. 3, 1, 2, 4

Q.17:- The new alluvium tracts along the courses of the rivers are known as the

  1. Bhangar
  2. Khadar
  3. Kankar
  4. Terai

Q.18:- Which one of the following is the first company managed major port in India?

  1. Tropical depression
  2. Southwest monsoon
  3. Northwest monsoon
  4. Westerly depression

Q.19:- With reference to India, which one of the following statements is not correct?

  1. About one-third of the area of the country records more than 750 millimeters of annual rainfall.
  2. The dominant source of irrigation in the country is wells
  3. Alluvial soil is the predominant type of soil in the northern plains of the country
  4. The mountain areas account for about thirsty percent of the surface area of the country

Q.20:- In the coastal lowland of Kerala two crops of rice is grown per year because of

  1. High temperature in winter

      2. Adequate rain throughout the year

      3. Adequate irrigation facility

      4. Presence of water retentive clayey loam soil

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 2
  4. 1, 3 and 4